[2014/12/19時点] Insurgency cvarlist


cvar list

resetgamestats                          : cmd      :                  : Erases current game stats and writes out a blank stats file
_restart                                 : cmd      :                  : Shutdown and restart the engine.
achievement_debug                        : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Turn on achievement debug msgs.
achievement_disable                      : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Turn off achievements.
addip                                    : cmd      :                  : Add an IP address to the ban list.
ai_debug_los                             : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1, solid entities that block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2, it’l
ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets                 : 0        : , “sv”           :
ai_debug_shoot_positions                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
ai_debug_speech                          : 0        : , “sv”           :
ai_expression_frametime                  : 0        : , “sv”           : Maximum frametime to still play background expressions.
ai_expression_optimization               : 0        : , “sv”           : Disable npc background expressions when you can’t see them.
ai_force_serverside_ragdoll              : 0        : , “sv”           :
ai_LOS_mode                              : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
ai_sequence_debug                        : 0        : , “sv”           :
ai_setupbones_debug                      : 0        : , “sv”           : Shows that bones that are setup every think
ai_shot_bias_max                         : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
ai_shot_bias_min                         : -1       : , “sv”, “rep”    :
ai_show_hull_attacks                     : 0        : , “sv”           :
ai_use_visibility_cache                  : 1        : , “sv”           :
air_density                              : cmd      :                  : Changes the density of air for drag computations.
alias                                    : cmd      :                  : Alias a command.
anim_3wayblend                           : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Toggle the 3-way animation blending code.
anim_showstate                           : -1       : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Show the (client) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
anim_showstatelog                        : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : 1 to output anim_showstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimState.log. 3 for both.
async_allow_held_files                   : 1        :                  : Allow AsyncBegin/EndRead()
async_mode                               : 0        :                  : Set the async filesystem mode (0 = async, 1 = synchronous)
async_resume                             : cmd      :                  :
async_serialize                          : 0        :                  : Force async reads to serialize for profiling
async_simulate_delay                     : 0        :                  : Simulate a delay of up to a set msec per file operation
async_suspend                            : cmd      :                  :
autoaim_max_deflect                      : 0        : , “sv”           :
autoaim_max_dist                         : 2160     : , “sv”           :
banid                                    : cmd      :                  : Add a user ID to the ban list.
banip                                    : cmd      :                  : Add an IP address to the ban list.
bind                                     : cmd      :                  : Bind a key.
bind_osx                                 : cmd      :                  : Bind a key for OSX only.
BindToggle                               : cmd      :                  : Performs a bind <key> ‘increment var <cvar> 0 1 1’
blackbox                                 : 1        :                  :
blackbox_dump                            : cmd      :                  : Dump the contents of the blackbox
blackbox_record                          : cmd      :                  : Record an entry into the blackbox
BlendBonesMode                           : 2        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
bot_aim_aimtracking_base                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How often we should sample our target’s position and velocity to update our aim tracking, to allow realistic slop in tracking
bot_aim_aimtracking_frac_easy            : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the head aim tracking interval if difficulty is easy
bot_aim_aimtracking_frac_hard            : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the head aim tracking interval if difficulty is hard
bot_aim_aimtracking_frac_impossible      : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the head aim tracking interval if difficulty is impossible
bot_aim_aimtracking_frac_sprinting_target : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the head aim tracking interval if target is sprinting
bot_aim_angularvelocity_base             : 900      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How fast do the bots turn their heads ( deg/second )
bot_aim_angularvelocity_base_ooc         : 800      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How fast do the bots turn their heads WHEN OUT OF COMBAT( deg/second )
bot_aim_angularvelocity_frac_easy        : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the angular velocity if difficulty is easy
bot_aim_angularvelocity_frac_hard        : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the angular velocity if difficulty is hard
bot_aim_angularvelocity_frac_impossible  : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the angular velocity if difficulty is impossible
bot_aim_angularvelocity_frac_sprinting_target : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the angular velocity if target is sprinting
bot_aim_attack_aimtolerance_frac_easy    : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : The easy frac for aim tolerance for the bots
bot_aim_attack_aimtolerance_frac_hard    : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : The hard frac for aim tolerance for the bots
bot_aim_attack_aimtolerance_frac_impossible : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : The impossible frac for aim tolerance for the bots
bot_aim_attack_aimtolerance_frac_normal  : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : The normal frac for aim tolerance for the bots
bot_aimtracking_frac_survival_end        : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied at end (level 30) of Survival
bot_aimtracking_frac_survival_start      : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied at start of Survival
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_close          : 40       : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How much should we offset our aim after just spotting enemy nearby
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_far            : 90       : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How much should we offset our aim after just spotting enemy a long way away
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_frac_dark      : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac to multiply against the aim penalty amount when target is in darkness
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_frac_easy      : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Multiply amt by this much for easy difficulty
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_frac_hard      : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Multiply amt by this much for hard difficulty
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_frac_impossible : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Multiply amt by this much for impossible difficulty
bot_attack_aimpenalty_amt_frac_light     : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac to multiply against the aim penalty amount when target is in lightness
bot_attack_aimpenalty_time_close         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How long before we stop penalizing aim position nearby?
bot_attack_aimpenalty_time_far           : 9        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How long before we stop penalizing aim position a long way away?
bot_attack_aimpenalty_time_frac_dark     : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac to multiply against the aim penalty time when target is in darkness
bot_attack_aimpenalty_time_frac_light    : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac to multiply against the aim penalty time when target is in lightness
bot_attack_aimtolerance_newthreat_amt    : 3        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How much should we artificially bloat aimtolerance boxes for enemies we just spotted?
bot_attack_aimtolerance_newthreat_time   : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How long before we stop artificially bloating aimtolerance box?
bot_attack_burst_maxtime                 : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : The maximum amount of time the bot pulls the trigger for automatic weapons
bot_attack_burst_mintime                 : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : The minimum amount of time the bot pulls the trigger for automatic weapons
bot_attack_retarget_maxtime              : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : The maximum amount of time until the bot retargets
bot_attack_retarget_mintime              : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : The minimum amount of time until the bot retargets
bot_attackdelay_base                     : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Attack delay base value in seconds
bot_attackdelay_frac_desiredrange        : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied if distance is greater than hipfire range
bot_attackdelay_frac_difficulty_easy     : 2        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied if in easy difficulty
bot_attackdelay_frac_difficulty_hard     : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied if in hard difficulty
bot_attackdelay_frac_difficulty_impossible : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied if in impossible difficulty
bot_attackdelay_frac_hipfirerange        : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied if within hipfire range
bot_attackdelay_frac_maxrange            : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied if distance is greater than desired range
bot_attackdelay_frac_outofrange          : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied if distance is greater than max range
bot_attackdelay_frac_outsidefov          : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied if the bot is not looking at the player
bot_attackdelay_frac_survival_end        : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied at end (level 20) of Survival
bot_attackdelay_frac_survival_start      : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied at start of Survival
bot_damage                               : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Float representing the damage bots give off.
bot_fov_frac_survival_end                : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied at end (level 30) of Survival
bot_fov_frac_survival_start              : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Frac applied at start of Survival
bot_grenade_think_time                   : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
bot_hearing_flashbang_effect_max_distance : 750      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Max range that a flashbang will effect the bots
bot_hearing_flashbang_effect_max_time    : 10       : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Max time that a flashbang will effect the bots
bot_hearing_grenade_hearing_range        : 3000     : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How far away can a bot hear a grenade explosion
bot_hearing_silenced_weapon_sound_reduction : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : By what percentage do silenced weapons reduce the hearing range
bot_investigate_sneak_lightvalue         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : The light value the bot must be in order to activate sneak
bot_loco_hurry_sprinthold_max            : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Maximum tme to hold the sprint when ShouldHurry returns true
bot_loco_hurry_sprinthold_min            : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Minimum tme to hold the sprint when ShouldHurry returns true
bot_loco_path_max_retreat_length         : 420      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Maximum distance a bot will run a retreat path
bot_loco_path_minlookahead               : 120      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Minimum look-ahead distance for bot pathing
bot_loco_pronehold_max                   : 8        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Maximum tme to hold the prone button
bot_vis_fov_frac_easy                    : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac applied to the FOV if the difficulty is easy
bot_vis_fov_frac_hard                    : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac applied to the FOV if the difficulty is hard
bot_vis_fov_frac_impossible              : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac applied to the FOV if the difficulty is impossible
bot_vis_fov_idle_base                    : 150      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : FOV when the bot is idle/guarding (normal difficulty)
bot_vis_recognizetime_base               : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Time it takes for bot to recognize a target (normal difficulty)
bot_vis_recognizetime_frac_easy          : 2        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the recognize time if difficulty is easy
bot_vis_recognizetime_frac_hard          : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the recognize time if difficulty is hard
bot_vis_recognizetime_frac_impossible    : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Frac appplied to the recognize time if difficulty is impossible
breakable_disable_gib_limit              : 0        : , “sv”           :
breakable_multiplayer                    : 1        : , “sv”           :
buddha                                   : cmd      :                  : Toggle.  Player takes damage but won’t die. (Shows red cross when health is zero)
budget_toggle_group                      : cmd      :                  : Turn a budget group on/off
bug_swap                                 : cmd      :                  : Automatically swaps the current weapon for the bug bait and back again.
bullet_ff_through_walls                  : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
cache_print                              : cmd      :                  : cache_print [section] Print out contents of cache memory.
cache_print_lru                          : cmd      :                  : cache_print_lru [section] Print out contents of cache memory.
cache_print_summary                      : cmd      :                  : cache_print_summary [section] Print out a summary contents of cache memory.
callvote                                 : cmd      :                  : Start a vote on an issue.
cast_hull                                : cmd      :                  : Tests hull collision detection
cast_ray                                 : cmd      :                  : Tests collision detection
cf_adminimmunity                         : 0        :                  : Admin immunity, 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
cf_allowlan                              : 0        :                  : Allow players connect from LAN, 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled IP 10.x.x.x IP 127.x.x.x IP 169.254.x.x IP 192.168.x.x IP 172.16.x.x
cf_allowunidentified                     : 0        :                  : Allow players connect from unidentified country, 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
cf_alphacode                             : 2        :                  : Choose what code type use in cf_countries 2 = ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes (GB JP US) 3 = ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes (GBR JPN USA) ht
cf_chatannouncements                     : 1        :                  : Print chat announcements to all players Usage 1+2 = 3 (Print allowed and rejected country connections) 0 = Off 1 = Allowed conn
cf_chatusecode                           : 0        :                  : Print country name in chat using, 0 = Country name, 1 = Country code
cf_countries                             : 0        :                  : List countries example alpha 2 codes: ‘GB JP US’ example alpha 3 codes: ‘GBR JPN USA’
cf_mode                                  : 0        :                  : 0 = Allow all expect cf_countries 1 = Allow only cf_countries
ch_createairboat                         : cmd      :                  : Spawn airboat in front of the player.
ch_createjeep                            : cmd      :                  : Spawn jeep in front of the player.
changelevel                              : cmd      :                  : Change server to the specified map
changelevel2                             : cmd      :                  : Transition to the specified map in single player
chet_debug_idle                          : 0        : , “a”, “sv”      : If set one, many debug prints to help track down the TLK_IDLE issue. Set two for super verbose info
choreo_spew_filter                       : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Spew choreo. Use a sub-string or * to display all events.
cl_bobPitch                              : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
cl_bobRoll                               : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
cl_bobYaw                                : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
cl_clock_correction                      : 1        : , “cheat”        : Enable/disable clock correction on the client.
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount : 200      : , “cheat”        : Sets the maximum number of milliseconds per second it is allowed to correct the client clock. It will only correct this amount
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset : 90       : , “cheat”        : As the clock offset goes from cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset to this value (in milliseconds), it moves towards apply
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset : 10       : , “cheat”        : If the clock offset is less than this amount (in milliseconds), then no clock correction is applied.
cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick    : 999      : , “cheat”        : Force clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it).
cl_clock_showdebuginfo                   : 0        : , “cheat”        : Show debugging info about the clock drift.
cl_clockdrift_max_ms                     : 150      : , “cheat”        : Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server’s.
cl_clockdrift_max_ms_threadmode          : 0        : , “cheat”        : Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server’s.
cl_csm_auto_entity                       : 1        : , “sv”           :
cl_csm_server_status                     : cmd      :                  : Usage:  cl_csm_server_status
cl_resend                                : 6        :                  : Delay in seconds before the client will resend the ‘connect’ attempt
cl_resend_timeout                        : 60       :                  : Total time allowed for the client to resend the ‘connect’ attempt
cl_sideRoll                              : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
cl_sideRollSpeed                         : 220      : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
cl_simdbones                             : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Use SIMD bone setup.
cl_skipslowpath                          : 0        : , “cheat”        : Set to 1 to skip any models that don’t go through the model fast path
cl_use_simd_bones                        : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : 1 use SIMD bones 0 use scalar bones.
cl_viewbob                               : 1        : , “sv”           : Enable/Disable new viewbob movement
clear_anim_cache                         : cmd      :                  : Clears the animation cache, freeing the memory (until the next time a streaming animblock is requested).
clear_debug_overlays                     : cmd      :                  : clears debug overlays
clientport                               : 27005    :                  : Host game client port
cmd                                      : cmd      :                  : Forward command to server.
cmd1                                     : cmd      :                  : sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 1
cmd2                                     : cmd      :                  : sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 2
cmd3                                     : cmd      :                  : sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 3
cmd4                                     : cmd      :                  : sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 4
collision_shake_amp                      : 0        : , “sv”           :
collision_shake_freq                     : 0        : , “sv”           :
collision_shake_time                     : 0        : , “sv”           :
collision_test                           : cmd      :                  : Tests collision system
con_logfile                              : 0        :                  : Console output gets written to this file
con_timestamp                            : 0        :                  : Prefix console.log entries with timestamps
coop                                     : 0        : , “nf”           : Cooperative play.
cpu_level                                : 2        :                  : CPU Level – Default: High
crash                                    : cmd      :                  : Cause the engine to crash (Debug!!)
create_flashlight                        : cmd      :                  :
creditsdone                              : cmd      :                  :
csm_quality_level                        : 0        :                  : Cascaded shadow map quality level, [0,3], 0=VERY_LOW, 3=HIGHEST
curve_bias                               : 0        : , “sv”           :
cvarlist                                 : cmd      :                  : Show the list of convars/concommands.
datacachesize                            : 32       :                  : Size in MB.
dbg_demofile                             : 0        :                  :
dbghist_addline                          : cmd      :                  : Add a line to the debug history. Format: <category id> <line>
dbghist_dump                             : cmd      :                  : Dump the debug history to the console. Format: <category id>     Categories:      0: Entity I/O      1: AI Decisions      2: Sc
deathmatch                               : 1        : , “nf”           : Running a deathmatch server.
debug_materialmodifycontrol              : 0        : , “sv”           :
debug_overlay_fullposition               : 0        : , “sv”           :
debug_physimpact                         : 0        : , “sv”           :
debug_touchlinks                         : 0        : , “sv”           : Spew touch link activity
debug_visibility_monitor                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
decalfrequency                           : 10       : , “sv”, “nf”     :
developer                                : 0        :                  : Set developer message level
devshots_nextmap                         : cmd      :                  : Used by the devshots system to go to the next map in the devshots maplist.
differences                              : cmd      :                  : Show all convars which are not at their default values.
disable_static_prop_loading              : 0        : , “cheat”        : If non-zero when a map loads, static props won’t be loaded
disconnect                               : cmd      :                  : Disconnect game from server.
disp_dynamic                             : 0        :                  :
disp_list_all_collideable                : cmd      :                  : List all collideable displacements
dispcoll_drawplane                       : 0        : , “sv”           :
display_elapsedtime                      : cmd      :                  : Displays how much time has elapsed since the game started
display_game_events                      : 0        : , “cheat”        :
displaysoundlist                         : 0        : , “sv”           :
drawcross                                : cmd      :                  : Draws a cross at the given location  Arguments: x y z
drawline                                 : cmd      :                  : Draws line between two 3D Points.  Green if no collision  Red is collides with something  Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts                 : 0        :                  : (SP only) – show entities that were copied using small optimized lists (FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE).
dt_UsePartialChangeEnts                  : 1        :                  : (SP only) – enable FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE optimization.
dti_flush                                : cmd      :                  : Write out the datatable instrumentation files (you must run with -dti for this to work).
dtwarning                                : 0        :                  : Print data table warnings?
dtwatchclass                             : 0        :                  : Watch all fields encoded with this table.
dtwatchdecode                            : 1        :                  : When watching show decode.
dtwatchencode                            : 1        :                  : When watching show encode.
dtwatchent                               : -1       :                  : Watch this entities data table encoding.
dtwatchvar                               : 0        :                  : Watch the named variable.
dump_entity_sizes                        : cmd      :                  : Print sizeof(entclass)
dump_globals                             : cmd      :                  : Dump all global entities/states
dumpentityfactories                      : cmd      :                  : Lists all entity factory names.
dumpeventqueue                           : cmd      :                  : Dump the contents of the Entity I/O event queue to the console.
dumpgamestringtable                      : cmd      :                  : Dump the contents of the game string table to the console.
dumpstringtables                         : cmd      :                  : Print string tables to console.
dumptheaterentityfactories               : cmd      :                  : Lists all theater entity factory names.
echo                                     : cmd      :                  : Echo text to console.
ent_absbox                               : cmd      :                  : Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green.  Some entites will also display entity specific overlays.  Ar
ent_attachments                          : cmd      :                  : Displays the attachment points on an entity.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is loo
ent_autoaim                              : cmd      :                  : Displays the entity’s autoaim radius.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_bbox                                 : cmd      :                  : Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange.  Some entites will also display entity specific overlay
ent_cancelpendingentfires                : cmd      :                  : Cancels all ent_fire created outputs that are currently waiting for their delay to expire.
ent_create                               : cmd      :                  : Creates an entity of the given type where the player is looking.
ent_debugkeys                            : 0        : , “sv”           :
ent_dump                                 : cmd      :                  : Usage:    ent_dump <entity name>
ent_fire                                 : cmd      :                  : Usage:    ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay]
ent_info                                 : cmd      :                  : Usage:    ent_info <class name>
ent_keyvalue                             : cmd      :                  : Applies the comma delimited key=value pairs to the entity with the given Hammer ID.  Format: ent_keyvalue <entity id> <key1>=<v
ent_messages                             : cmd      :                  : Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies).  The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any mes
ent_messages_draw                        : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Visualizes all entity input/output activity.
ent_name                                 : cmd      :                  :
ent_orient                               : cmd      :                  : Orient the specified entity to match the player’s angles. By default, only orients target entity’s YAW. Use the ‘allangles’ opt
ent_pause                                : cmd      :                  : Toggles pausing of input/output message processing for entities.  When turned on processing of all message will stop.  Any mess
ent_pivot                                : cmd      :                  : Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies).  (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red).   Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class
ent_rbox                                 : cmd      :                  : Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green.  Some entites will also display entity specific overlays.  Ar
ent_remove                               : cmd      :                  : Removes the given entity(s)  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
ent_remove_all                           : cmd      :                  : Removes all entities of the specified type  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name}
ent_rotate                               : cmd      :                  : Rotates an entity by a specified # of degrees
ent_script_dump                          : cmd      :                  : Dumps the names and values of this entity’s script scope to the console  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argume
ent_setang                               : cmd      :                  : Set entity angles
ent_setname                              : cmd      :                  : Sets the targetname of the given entity(s)  Arguments:    {new entity name} {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wh
ent_setpos                               : cmd      :                  : Move entity to position
ent_show_contexts                        : 0        : , “sv”           : Show entity contexts in ent_text display
ent_show_response_criteria               : cmd      :                  : Print, to the console, an entity’s current criteria set used to select responses.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} /
ent_step                                 : cmd      :                  : When ‘ent_pause’ is set this will step through one waiting input / output message at a time.
ent_teleport                             : cmd      :                  : Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking.  Format: ent_teleport <entity name>
ent_text                                 : cmd      :                  : Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text)  Arguments:    {entity

ent_viewoffset                           : cmd      :                  : Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red.  Arguments:    {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wha
exec                                     : cmd      :                  : Execute script file.
execifexists                             : cmd      :                  : Execute script file if file exists.
exit                                     : cmd      :                  : Exit the engine.
explode                                  : cmd      :                  : Kills the player with explosive damage
explodevector                            : cmd      :                  : Kills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
fadein                                   : cmd      :                  : fadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds.
fadeout                                  : cmd      :                  : fadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds.
ff                                       : cmd      :                  :
filesystem_buffer_size                   : 0        :                  : Size of per file buffers. 0 for none
filesystem_max_stdio_read                : 16       :                  :
filesystem_native                        : 1        :                  : Use native FS or STDIO
filesystem_report_buffered_io            : 0        :                  :
filesystem_unbuffered_io                 : 1        :                  :
find                                     : cmd      :                  : Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.
find_ent                                 : cmd      :                  : Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substring. Format: find_ent <substring>
find_ent_index                           : cmd      :                  : Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index>
findflags                                : cmd      :                  : Find concommands by flags.
fire_absorbrate                          : 3        : , “sv”           :
fire_dmgbase                             : 1        : , “sv”           :
fire_dmginterval                         : 1        : , “sv”           :
fire_dmgscale                            : 0        : , “sv”           :
fire_extabsorb                           : 5        : , “sv”           :
fire_extscale                            : 12       : , “sv”           :
fire_growthrate                          : 1        : , “sv”           :
fire_heatscale                           : 1        : , “sv”           :
fire_incomingheatscale                   : 0        : , “sv”           :
fire_maxabsorb                           : 50       : , “sv”           :
firetarget                               : cmd      :                  :
fish_dormant                             : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Turns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive.
host_speeds                              : 0        :                  : Show general system running times.
host_threaded_sound                      : 1        :                  : Run the sound on a thread (independent of mix)
host_threaded_sound_simplethread         : 0        :                  : Run the sound on a simple thread not a jobthread
host_timer_report                        : cmd      :                  : Spew CPU timer jitter for the last 128 frames in microseconds (dedicated only)
host_timescale                           : 1        : , “cheat”, “rep” : Prescale the clock by this amount.
hostfile                                 : 0        : , “sv”           : The HOST file to load.
hostip                                   : -1660446592.000 :                  : Host game server ip
hostname                                 : 0        :                  : Hostname for server.
hostport                                 : 27015    :                  : Host game server port
hunk_print_allocations                   : cmd      :                  :
hunk_track_allocation_types              : 1        : , “cheat”        :
hurtme                                   : cmd      :                  : Hurts the player.  Arguments: <health to lose>
in_forceuser                             : 0        : , “cheat”        : Force user input to this split screen player.
incrementvar                             : cmd      :                  : Increment specified convar value.
ins_base_vehicle_max_turn_rate           : 25       : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
ins_base_vehicle_speed                   : 160      : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
ins_bipod_view_length_forward            : 22       : , “sv”, “rep”    :
ins_bipod_view_length_up                 : 28       : , “sv”, “rep”    :
ins_bot_add                              : cmd      :                  : Adds a bot
ins_bot_add_t2                           : cmd      :                  : Adds a bot to team 2
ins_bot_attack_pistol_fire_rate          : 4        : , “sv”           : Base Rate for easy pistol fire, scaled faster by difficulty
ins_bot_attack_reload_ratio              : 0        : , “sv”           : Ratio of ammo that triggers a reload.
ins_bot_change_difficulty                : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”     : When to change bot difficulty, 1 = instantly, 0 = when new bots are added
ins_bot_count_checkpoint                 : 0        : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : A set bot count for Checkpoint.
ins_bot_count_checkpoint_default         : 0        : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : This is the default bot count for Checkpoint that the server will reset to when hibernating.
ins_bot_count_checkpoint_max             : 16       : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : The max bot count for Checkpoint.
ins_bot_count_checkpoint_min             : 5        : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : The min bot count for Checkpoint.
ins_bot_count_hunt                       : 0        : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : A set bot count for Checkpoint.
ins_bot_count_hunt_default               : 0        : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : This is the default bot count for Hunt that the server will reset to when hibernating.
ins_bot_count_hunt_max                   : 25       : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : The max bot count for Hunt.
ins_bot_count_hunt_min                   : 15       : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : The min bot count for Hunt.
ins_bot_count_survival                   : 0        : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : A set bot count for Survival.
ins_bot_count_survival_default           : 0        : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : This is the default bot count for Survival that the server will reset to when hibernating.
ins_bot_count_survival_level_multiplier  : 1        : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : Multiplier applied to bot count each round that passes.
ins_bot_count_survival_max               : 18       : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : The max bot count at the end of Survival.
ins_bot_count_survival_start_max         : 14       : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : The max bot count at the start of Survival.
ins_bot_count_survival_start_min         : 7        : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : The min bot count at the start of Survival.
ins_bot_difficulty                       : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Difficulty of bots, 0-3
ins_bot_enemy_seen_notify_distance       : 300      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Hearing range of bots when talking to eachother
ins_bot_friendly_death_hearing_distance  : 100      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Hearing range of bots when a friendly dies nearby
ins_bot_ignore_human_triggers            : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : If 1, bots will ignore all things human.
ins_bot_kick                             : cmd      :                  : Kick a bot. Parameters: <#/bots> <team_id>
ins_bot_kick_t1                          : cmd      :                  : ins_bot_kick_t1 kick bot from team two
ins_bot_kick_t2                          : cmd      :                  : ins_bot_kick_t2 kick bot from team two
ins_bot_knives_only                      : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
ins_bot_max_setup_gate_defend_range      : 2000     : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How far from the setup gate(s) defending bots can take up positions
ins_bot_min_setup_gate_defend_range      : 750      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How close from the setup gate(s) defending bots can take up positions. Areas closer than this will be in cover to ambush.
ins_bot_min_setup_gate_sniper_defend_range : 1500     : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How far from the setup gate(s) a defending sniper will take up position
ins_bot_path_update_interval             : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Time between each path update (tweaked for optimization)
ins_bot_pathfollower_aimahead            : 220      : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
ins_bot_quota                            : 0        : , “a”, “sv”      : How many bots to place on each team when no players are present?
ins_bot_radio_range                      : 2000     : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How close do bots need to be to hear radio commands from another.
ins_bot_radio_range_blocked_fraction     : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : If we don’t have LoS, cut down range by this much
ins_bot_suppress_visible_requirement     : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Total time we have to have seen a threat before lighting him up!
ins_bot_suppressing_fire_duration        : 2        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How long should we light up the last spotted area of a threat
ins_bot_survival_cache_notify_radius_max : 4800     : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Notify radius of cache capture in survival mode (in early game)
ins_bot_survival_cache_notify_radius_min : 2400     : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Notify radius of cache capture in survival mode (in later game)
ins_cache_buy_zone_size                  : 184      : , “sv”           : Default size of the buy area on a weapon cache.
ins_cache_explosion_damage               : 1000     : , “sv”           : Damage dealt by cache exploding
ins_cache_explosion_radius               : 256      : , “sv”           : Radius of blast damage
ins_cache_health                         : 200      : , “sv”           : Default health of a weapon cache entity.
ins_clear_attribute                      : cmd      :                  : Remove given attribute from all areas in the selected set.
ins_deadcam_modes                        : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Restricts Spectator Modes
ins_debug_centermass                     : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Debug the centermass attachment
ins_debug_head                           : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Debug the head attachment
ins_debug_navareas                       : cmd      :                  : Force a round cleanup
ins_debug_spawnchange                    : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Display enabled/disabled spawnpoints.
ins_mark                                 : cmd      :                  : Set attribute of selected area.
ins_nav_cp_surrounding_distance          : 620      : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
ins_nav_death_range                      : 400      : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
ins_nav_in_combat_range                  : 1000     : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
ins_select_with_attribute                : cmd      :                  : Selects areas with the given attribute.
ins_server_loadtheater                   : cmd      :                  : Server loads a theater
ins_stats_status                         : cmd      :                  : Current status of stats connection
ins_survival_bot_spawn_distance          : 2500     : , “sv”           : Min distance between players and bot spawn zones
ins_survival_bot_spawn_update_interval   : 5        : , “sv”           : Seconds between each check to update which spawns are active/inactive
ins_survival_cache_secure_cooldown_time  : 15       : , “sv”           : Time before you can secure another safehouse
ins_survival_cache_secure_team_ratio     : 0        : , “sv”           : Percentage of team required to secure a cache
ins_survival_coordinated_attack_time_max : 40       : , “sv”           : Max seconds that bots will attack the most recently captured point
ins_survival_coordinated_attack_time_min : 20       : , “sv”           : Min seconds that bots will attack the most recently captured point
ins_survival_human_spawn_update_interval : 1        : , “sv”           : Seconds between each check to update which spawns are active/inactive
ins_survival_next_cache_min_distance     : 3500     : , “sv”           : Distance the next cache must be in order to qualify as the next possible objective
ins_survival_safehouse_tip_delay_max     : 8        : , “sv”           : Max time before the attacking team is tipped off about your safehouse
ins_survival_safehouse_tip_delay_min     : 1        : , “sv”           : Min time before the attacking team is tipped off about your safehouse
ins_tank_health                          : cmd      :                  :
ins_tank_kill                            : cmd      :                  :
ins_teamsize                             : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Maximum team size
ins_terminal_access_zone_size            : 72       : , “sv”           : Default size of the terminal access area.
ins_terminal_health                      : 100      : , “sv”           : Default health of a terminal entity.
ins_test_map_vote                        : cmd      :                  : Test map vote
ins_vehicle_minibus_health               : 320      : , “sv”           : Default health of a minibus.
ins_wipe_attributes                      : cmd      :                  : Clear all INS-specific attributes of selected area.
inventory_buy_gear                       : cmd      :                  : Buys an item of gear
inventory_buy_upgrade                    : cmd      :                  : Buys a weapon upgrade
inventory_buy_weapon                     : cmd      :                  : Buys a weapon
inventory_confirm                        : cmd      :                  : Confirming a purchase
inventory_print_weapons                  : cmd      :                  : Print weapon purchases to server console
inventory_reset                          : cmd      :                  : Reset the player’s current loadout to the class default
inventory_resupply                       : cmd      :                  : Resupply current loadout
inventory_sell_all                       : cmd      :                  : Sell all items (except melee)
inventory_sell_gear                      : cmd      :                  : Sells an item of gear
inventory_sell_upgrade                   : cmd      :                  : Sells an upgrade
inventory_sell_weapon                    : cmd      :                  : Sell a weapon
inventory_set_firemode                   : cmd      :                  : Set firemode pref
ip                                       : 157      :                  : Overrides IP for multihomed hosts
item_flag_respawntime                    : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Flag respawn time.
joy_deadzone_mode                        : 1        :                  : 0 => Cross-shaped deadzone (default), 1 => Square deadzone.
joy_xcontroller_found                    : 0        :                  : Automatically set to 1 if an xcontroller has been detected.
kdtree_test                              : cmd      :                  : Tests spatial partition for entities queries.
key_findbinding                          : cmd      :                  : Find key bound to specified command string.
key_listboundkeys                        : cmd      :                  : List bound keys with bindings.
key_updatelayout                         : cmd      :                  : Updates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting.
kick                                     : cmd      :                  : Kick a player by name.
kickid                                   : cmd      :                  : Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message.
kickid_ex                                : cmd      :                  : Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, provide a force-the-kick flag and also assign a message.
kill                                     : cmd      :                  : Kills the player with generic damage
killserver                               : cmd      :                  : Shutdown the server.
killvector                               : cmd      :                  : Kills a player applying force. Usage: killvector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
ladder_autocenter                        : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Auto-center players on ladders.
listid                                   : cmd      :                  : Lists banned users.
listip                                   : cmd      :                  : List IP addresses on the ban list.
listissues                               : cmd      :                  : List all the issues that can be voted on.
listmodels                               : cmd      :                  : List loaded models.
listRecentNPCSpeech                      : cmd      :                  : Displays a list of the last 5 lines of speech from NPCs.
loader_dump_table                        : cmd      :                  :
loader_spew_info                         : 0        :                  : 0:Off, 1:Timing, 2:Completions, 3:Late Completions, 4:Purges, -1:All
loader_spew_info_ex                      : 0        :                  : (internal)
loader_throttle_io                       : 1        :                  :
log                                      : cmd      :                  : Enables logging to file, console, and udp < on | off >.
logaddress_add                           : cmd      :                  : Set address and port for remote host <ip:port>.
logaddress_del                           : cmd      :                  : Remove address and port for remote host <ip:port>.
logaddress_delall                        : cmd      :                  : Remove all udp addresses being logged to
logaddress_list                          : cmd      :                  : List all addresses currently being used by logaddress.
lookup_id                                : cmd      :                  : Lookup Steam IDs of user
loopsingleplayermaps                     : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
lservercfgfile                           : 0        : , “sv”           :
map                                      : cmd      :                  : Start playing on specified map.
map_background                           : cmd      :                  : Runs a map as the background to the main menu.
map_commentary                           : cmd      :                  : Start playing, with commentary, on a specified map.
map_noareas                              : 0        :                  : Disable area to area connection testing.
mapcyclefile                             : 0        : , “sv”           : Name of the default .txt file used to cycle the maps on multiplayer servers
mapgroup                                 : cmd      :                  : Specify a map group
maps                                     : cmd      :                  : Displays list of maps.
mat_aaquality                            : 0        :                  :
mat_antialias                            : 0        :                  :
mat_bufferprimitives                     : 0        :                  :
mat_bumpbasis                            : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_bumpmap                              : 1        :                  :
mat_compressedtextures                   : 1        :                  :
mat_configcurrent                        : cmd      :                  : show the current video control panel config for the material system
mat_debugalttab                          : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_debugdepth                           : 0        :                  :
mat_depthbias_normal                     : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_detail_tex                           : 1        :                  :
mat_diffuse                              : 1        :                  :
mat_drawflat                             : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_dynamiclightmaps                     : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_dynamicPaintmaps                     : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_envmapsize                           : 128      :                  :
mat_envmaptgasize                        : 32       :                  :
mat_exclude_async_update                 : 1        :                  :
mat_excludetextures                      : 0        :                  :
mat_fastnobump                           : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_fastspecular                         : 1        :                  : Enable/Disable specularity for visual testing.  Will not reload materials and will not affect perf.
mat_fillrate                             : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_filterlightmaps                      : 1        :                  :
mat_filtertextures                       : 1        :                  :
mat_forceaniso                           : 1        :                  :
mat_forcedynamic                         : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_forcehardwaresync                    : 0        :                  :
mat_fullbright                           : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_hdr_enabled                          : cmd      :                  : Report if HDR is enabled for debugging
mat_info                                 : cmd      :                  : Shows material system info
mat_levelflush                           : 1        :                  :
mat_lightmap_pfms                        : 0        :                  : Outputs .pfm files containing lightmap data for each lightmap page when a level exits.
mat_loadtextures                         : 1        : , “cheat”        :
mat_luxels                               : 0        : , “cheat”        :
mat_maxframelatency                      : 1        :                  :
mod_lock_mdls_on_load                    : 1        :                  :
mod_lock_meshes_on_load                  : 1        :                  :
mod_log_filesystem                       : 0        :                  : Log the filesystem type
mod_test_mesh_not_available              : 0        :                  :
mod_test_not_available                   : 0        :                  :
mod_test_verts_not_available             : 0        :                  :
mod_touchalldata                         : 1        :                  : Touch model data during level startup
mod_trace_load                           : 0        :                  :
mod_WeaponViewModelCache                 : 8        :                  :
mod_WeaponWorldModelCache                : 10       :                  :
mod_WeaponWorldModelMinAge               : 3000     :                  :
morph_debug                              : 0        :                  :
morph_path                               : 7        :                  :
mortar_visualize                         : 0        : , “sv”           :
motd                                     : cmd      :                  :
motdfile                                 : 0        : , “sv”           : The MOTD file to load.
movement_anim_playback_minrate           : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
mp_allowNPCs                             : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”     :
mp_allowspectators                       : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not
mp_autocrosshair                         : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”     :
mp_autokick                              : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Kick team-killing players
mp_autokick_idlers                       : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Kick idlers players ( mins )
mp_autoteambalance                       : 1        : , “sv”           :
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_always       : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Always have a counter-attack after each cap. Value represents number of human players needed.
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_capture_speedup : 2        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Bot capture speed-up
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_delay        : 12       : , “sv”, “rep”    : How long (in seconds) until the enemy counter-attack wave spawns.
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_delay_finale : 20       : , “sv”, “rep”    : How long (in seconds) until the enemy counter-attack wave spawns (finale).
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_duration     : 65       : , “sv”, “rep”    : How long a checkpoint counter-attack lasts
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_duration_finale : 120      : , “sv”, “rep”    : How long a checkpoint counter-attack lasts
mp_checkpoint_counterattack_wave_finale  : 60       : , “sv”, “rep”    : How long until we get the subsequent waves in Checkpoint finale?
mp_coop_lobbysize                        : 6        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Size of coop lobby
mp_coop_max_bots                         : 24       : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : Maximum number of bots allowed on the server.
mp_coop_min_bots                         : 10       : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : The number of bots used for 1 player.
mp_cp_capture_time                       : 30       : , “sv”, “nf”     : capture time in seconds
mp_cp_deteriorate_time                   : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”     : deteriorate time in seconds
mp_cp_speedup_max                        : 2        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Maximum players to effect the speed-up.
mp_cp_speedup_rate                       : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Speed-up rate per additional teammate in the cap zone.
mp_defaultteam                           : 0        : , “sv”           :
mp_disable_autokick                      : cmd      :                  : Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
mp_extract_point                         : 0        : , “a”, “sv”, “nf” : Point to use for patrol (0 = random, 1-3 = specified point)
mp_fadetoblack                           : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : fade a player’s screen to black when he dies
mp_fall_speed_fatal                      : 720      : , “sv”, “rep”    : sqrt( 2 * gravity * x * 12 )
mp_fall_speed_safe                       : 560      : , “sv”, “rep”    : sqrt( 2 * gravity * x * 12 )
mp_fall_speed_safe_iron                  : 250      : , “sv”, “rep”    : sqrt( 2 * gravity * x * 12 )
mp_falldamage                            : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”     :
mp_flashlight                            : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”     :
mp_footsteps                             : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”     :
mp_forceactivityset                      : -1       : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : SHORTRIFLE = 0  PISTOL = 1  KNIFE = 2   LMG = 3  LAUNCHER = 4  GRENADE = 5
mp_forcecamera                           : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Restricts spectator modes for dead players. 0 = Any team. 1 = Only own team. 2 = No one; fade to black on death (previously mp_
mp_forcerespawn                          : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”     :
mp_freezetime                            : 15       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Round freeze time in seconds
mp_friendlyfire                          : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Allows team members to injure other members of their team
mp_friendlyfire_damage                   : 0        : , “sv”           : The frac value applied to friendly fire damage
mp_friendlyfire_damage_spawnarea         : 0        : , “sv”           : The frac value applied to friendly fire damage when either in a spawn area
mp_friendlyfire_explosives               : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : When enabled, friendlies can set off each other’s explosives if they are reactive.
mp_joinwaittime                          : 20       : , “sv”, “nf”     : How long to wait for the first round once the minimum players requirement has been reached.
mp_lobbytime                             : 10       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Lobby time in seconds
mp_maxgames                              : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Max games before map change
mp_maxrounds                             : 5        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Max rounds before game ends
mp_minteamplayers                        : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : min players on each team to start the match
mp_occupy_bonus_wave                     : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Number of waves given to a team for capturing the point.
mp_player_resupply_delay_base            : 20       : , “sv”           : Delay applied to resupplying
mp_player_resupply_delay_max             : 90       : , “sv”           : Max delay for resupply
mp_player_resupply_delay_penalty         : 15       : , “sv”           : Delay added for each additional resupply
mp_player_resupply_delay_survival        : 10       : , “sv”           : Delay applied to resupplying (Survival-only)
mp_player_resupply_grace                 : 30       : , “sv”           : Grace time in which the resupply delay is not applied.
mp_player_resupply_grace_survival        : 30       : , “sv”           : Grace time in which the resupply delay is not applied (Survival-only).
mp_player_resupply_penalty_reset         : 45       : , “sv”           : Time taken to decrement resupply counter
mp_player_spotting                       : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
mp_push_capture_time_extension           : 300      : , “a”, “sv”      : How long (in seconds) the round should be extended for after a capture.
mp_push_counter_round                    : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : If on, after full-cap victory, flip the attacking team for a counter attack round.
mp_push_deferred_advance                 : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : If >0, advanced spawns will be delayed by this number of seconds.
mp_push_final_holdout_spawn_delay        : 8        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Defenders get two spawns within this amount of time after the final territorial objective is captured since it’s their final wa
mp_respawnwavetime_max                   : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Min respawn wave interval.
mp_respawnwavetime_min                   : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Max respawn wave interval.
mp_restartgame                           : 0        : , “sv”           : If non-zero, game will restart in the specified number of seconds
mp_restartround                          : 0        : , “sv”           : If non-zero, round will restart in the specified number of seconds
mp_restricted_area_wpn_time              : 3        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Time a player can use their weapon inside a restricted area for.
mp_roundlives                            : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Max lives in a round
mp_roundtime                             : 900      : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : round time per map in seconds
mp_scrambleteams                         : cmd      :                  : Scramble the teams and restart the game
mp_scrambleteams_auto                    : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”     : Server will automatically scramble the teams if criteria met.  Only works on dedicated servers.
mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference      : 3        : , “sv”, “nf”     : Number of round wins a team must lead by in order to trigger an auto scramble.
mp_searchdestroy_capture_time_extension  : 120      : , “a”, “sv”      : How long (in seconds) the round should be extended for after a cache gets destroyed.
mp_searchdestroy_single_cache_max        : 12       : , “a”, “sv”, “nf” : Max number of players where a single cache is used
mp_showgestureslots                      : -1       : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Show multiplayer client/server gesture slot information for the specified player index (-1 for no one).
mp_slammoveyaw                           : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Force movement yaw along an animation path.
mp_spawnprotectontime                    : 30       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Spawn protection time in seconds
mp_spectator_allow_chase                 : 1        : , “a”, “sv”, “rep” : When set to 0, chase camera in spectator mode is disabled
mp_supply_rate_losing_team_high          : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Amount of supply the more skilled players on the losing team get
mp_supply_rate_losing_team_low           : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Amount of supply the less skilled players on the losing team get
mp_supply_rate_winning_team_high         : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Amount of supply the more skilled players on the winning team get
mp_supply_rate_winning_team_low          : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Amount of supply the less skilled players on the winning team get
mp_supply_token_base                     : 10       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : The amount of supply players start with
mp_supply_token_bot_base                 : 18       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : The amount of supply bots start with
mp_supply_token_max                      : 20       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : The maximum amount of supply a player can get
mp_switchteams                           : cmd      :                  : Switch teams and restart the game
mp_switchteams_each_game                 : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Switch the teams after each game
mp_switchteams_each_round                : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : If >0, switch the teams after x rounds
mp_switchteams_reset_supply              : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Should supply be reset when teams are switched?
mp_teamlist                              : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”     :
mp_teamoverride                          : 1        : , “sv”           :
mp_teamplay                              : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”     :
mp_teams_auto_join                       : 1        : , “sv”           : When enabled, players are automatically assigned to a team on join.
mp_teams_unbalance_limit                 : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other team. (0 disables check)
mp_theater_override                      : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : If set, the given theater file is loaded instead.
mp_timelimit                             : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Game time per map in minutes
mp_timelimit_waiting                     : 3600     : , “sv”, “rep”    : Time to wait on an empty server before changing levels.
mp_timer_postgame                        : 20       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Postgame timer in seconds
mp_timer_postround                       : 10       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Postround timer in seconds
mp_timer_pregame                         : 5        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Pregame timer in seconds
mp_timer_preround                        : 10       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Preround timer in seconds
mp_timer_preround_first                  : 15       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Preround timer in seconds for the first round
mp_timer_preround_switch                 : 30       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Preround timer in seconds when a team switch occurs
mp_timer_voting                          : 25       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Time given to post-game voting.
mp_tkpunish                              : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Will a TK’er be punished in the next round?  {0=no, 1=warning, 2=kill}
mp_vip_single_point_max                  : 10       : , “a”, “sv”, “nf” : Max number of players where a single point is used
mp_voice_bias                            : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_blocked_lineofsight_enemy_volume : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_blocked_lineofsight_friendly_volume : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_indirect_listener_volume        : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_indirect_talker_volume          : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_max_distance_enemy              : 360      : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_max_distance_friendly           : 1080     : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_max_enemy_volume                : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_max_friendly_volume             : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_min_distance_enemy              : 8        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_min_distance_friendly           : 8        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_min_squad_volume                : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
mp_voice_use_3d_voip                     : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Alive players use spatial audio for voice communications?
mp_wave_capture_increment                : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Amount of waves awarded for capturing points
mp_wave_count_attackers                  : 10       : , “sv”, “rep”    : Total waves for attackers
mp_wave_count_defenders                  : 20       : , “sv”, “rep”    : Total waves for defenders
mp_wave_count_defenders_per_obj          : 5        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Total waves for defenders per objective (so Push can support many objectives)
mp_wave_count_perteam                    : 2        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Total waves per team
mp_wave_dpr_attackers                    : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Dead player ratio that triggers a reinforcement wave for attacking team
mp_wave_dpr_attackers_finale             : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Dead player ratio that triggers a reinforcement wave for attacking team during the last stand specifically
mp_wave_dpr_defenders                    : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Dead player ratio that triggers a reinforcement wave for defending team
mp_wave_dpr_defenders_finale             : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Dead player ratio that triggers a reinforcement wave for defending team for the last objective specifically
mp_wave_dpr_perteam                      : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Dead player ratio that triggers a reinforcement wave for both teams
mp_wave_dpr_survival_start               : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Dead player ratio at level 30 of Survival game
mp_wave_grace_period                     : 30       : , “sv”, “rep”    : Grace period where if a reinforcement wave occurs it does not get deducted from wave count
mp_wave_max_wait_attackers               : 30       : , “sv”, “rep”    : Max wave trigger time for attacking team
mp_wave_max_wait_defenders               : 30       : , “sv”, “rep”    : Max wave trigger time for defending team
mp_wave_max_wait_perteam                 : 40       : , “sv”, “rep”    : Max wave trigger time for both teams
mp_wave_spawn_instant                    : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Server side option to force instant spawning
mp_weaponstay                            : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”     :
mp_winlimit                              : 5        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : win limit
mp_winlimit_coop                         : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : win limit for coop
multvar                                  : cmd      :                  : Multiply specified convar value.
name                                     : 0        : , “a”, “user”, “print”, “server_can_execute”, “ss” : Current user name
nav_add_to_selected_set                  : cmd      :                  : Add current area to the selected set.
nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id            : cmd      :                  : Add specified area id to the selected set.
nav_analyze                              : cmd      :                  : Re-analyze the current Navigation Mesh and save it to disk.
nav_area_bgcolor                         : 503316480 : , “sv”, “cheat”  : RGBA color to draw as the background color for nav areas while editing.
nav_area_max_size                        : 50       : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Max area size created in nav generation
nav_avoid                                : cmd      :                  : Toggles the ‘avoid this area when possible’ flag used by the AI system.
nav_begin_area                           : cmd      :                  : Defines a corner of a new Area or Ladder. To complete the Area or Ladder, drag the opposite corner to the desired location and
nav_begin_deselecting                    : cmd      :                  : Start continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_begin_drag_deselecting               : cmd      :                  : Start dragging a selection area.
nav_begin_drag_selecting                 : cmd      :                  : Start dragging a selection area.
nav_begin_selecting                      : cmd      :                  : Start continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_begin_shift_xy                       : cmd      :                  : Begin shifting the Selected Set.
nav_build_ladder                         : cmd      :                  : Attempts to build a nav ladder on the climbable surface under the cursor.
nav_check_file_consistency               : cmd      :                  : Scans the maps directory and reports any missing/out-of-date navigation files.
nav_check_floor                          : cmd      :                  : Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.
nav_check_stairs                         : cmd      :                  : Update the nav mesh STAIRS attribute
nav_chop_selected                        : cmd      :                  : Chops all selected areas into their component 1×1 areas
nav_clear_attribute                      : cmd      :                  : Remove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set.
nav_clear_selected_set                   : cmd      :                  : Clear the selected set.
nav_clear_walkable_marks                 : cmd      :                  : Erase any previously placed walkable positions.
nav_compress_id                          : cmd      :                  : Re-orders area and ladder ID’s so they are continuous.
nav_connect                              : cmd      :                  : To connect two Areas, mark the first Area, highlight the second Area, then invoke the connect command. Note that this creates a
nav_coplanar_slope_limit                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement    : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_corner_adjust_adjacent               : 18       : , “sv”, “cheat”  : radius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners.
nav_corner_lower                         : cmd      :                  : Lower the selected corner of the currently marked Area.
nav_corner_place_on_ground               : cmd      :                  : Places the selected corner of the currently marked Area on the ground.
nav_end_area                             : cmd      :                  : Defines the second corner of a new Area or Ladder and creates it.
nav_end_deselecting                      : cmd      :                  : Stop continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_end_drag_deselecting                 : cmd      :                  : Stop dragging a selection area.
nav_end_drag_selecting                   : cmd      :                  : Stop dragging a selection area.
nav_end_selecting                        : cmd      :                  : Stop continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_end_shift_xy                         : cmd      :                  : Finish shifting the Selected Set.
nav_flood_select                         : cmd      :                  : Selects the current Area and all Areas connected to it, recursively. To clear a selection, use this command again.
nav_gen_cliffs_approx                    : cmd      :                  : Mark cliff areas, post-processing approximation
nav_generate                             : cmd      :                  : Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.
nav_generate_fencetops                   : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Autogenerate nav areas on fence and obstacle tops
nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas            : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Convert obsolete jump areas into 2-way connections
nav_generate_incremental                 : cmd      :                  : Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.
nav_generate_incremental_range           : 2000     : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_generate_incremental_tolerance       : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Z tolerance for adding new nav areas.
nav_jump                                 : cmd      :                  : Toggles the ‘traverse this area by jumping’ flag used by the AI system.
nav_ladder_flip                          : cmd      :                  : Flips the selected ladder’s direction.
nav_load                                 : cmd      :                  : Loads the Navigation Mesh for the current map.
nav_lower_drag_volume_max                : cmd      :                  : Lower the top of the drag select volume.
nav_lower_drag_volume_min                : cmd      :                  : Lower the bottom of the drag select volume.
nav_make_sniper_spots                    : cmd      :                  : Chops the marked area into disconnected sub-areas suitable for sniper spots.
nav_mark                                 : cmd      :                  : Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands.
nav_mark_attribute                       : cmd      :                  : Set nav attribute for all areas in the selected set.
nav_mark_unnamed                         : cmd      :                  : Mark an Area with no Place name. Useful for finding stray areas missed when Place Painting.
nav_mark_walkable                        : cmd      :                  : Mark the current location as a walkable position. These positions are used as seed locations when sampling the map to generate
nav_max_view_distance                    : 6000     : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Maximum range for precomputed nav mesh visibility (0 = default 1500 units)
nav_max_vis_delta_list_length            : 64       : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_merge                                : cmd      :                  : To merge two Areas into one, mark the first Area, highlight the second by pointing your cursor at it, and invoke the merge comm
nav_merge_mesh                           : cmd      :                  : Merges a saved selected set into the current mesh.
nav_no_hostages                          : cmd      :                  : Toggles the ‘hostages cannot use this area’ flag used by the AI system.
nav_no_jump                              : cmd      :                  : Toggles the ‘dont jump in this area’ flag used by the AI system.
nav_place_floodfill                      : cmd      :                  : Sets the Place of the Area under the cursor to the curent Place, and ‘flood-fills’ the Place to all adjacent Areas. Flood-filli
nav_place_list                           : cmd      :                  : Lists all place names used in the map.
nav_place_pick                           : cmd      :                  : Sets the current Place to the Place of the Area under the cursor.
nav_place_replace                        : cmd      :                  : Replaces all instances of the first place with the second place.
nav_place_set                            : cmd      :                  : Sets the Place of all selected areas to the current Place.
nav_potentially_visible_dot_tolerance    : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_precise                              : cmd      :                  : Toggles the ‘dont avoid obstacles’ flag used by the AI system.
nav_quicksave                            : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Set to one to skip the time consuming phases of the analysis.  Useful for data collection and testing.
nav_raise_drag_volume_max                : cmd      :                  : Raise the top of the drag select volume.
nav_raise_drag_volume_min                : cmd      :                  : Raise the bottom of the drag select volume.
nav_recall_selected_set                  : cmd      :                  : Re-selects the stored selected set.
nav_remove_from_selected_set             : cmd      :                  : Remove current area from the selected set.
nav_remove_jump_areas                    : cmd      :                  : Removes legacy jump areas, replacing them with connections.
nav_run                                  : cmd      :                  : Toggles the ‘traverse this area by running’ flag used by the AI system.
nav_save                                 : cmd      :                  : Saves the current Navigation Mesh to disk.
nav_save_selected                        : cmd      :                  : Writes the selected set to disk for merging into another mesh via nav_merge_mesh.
nav_select_blocked_areas                 : cmd      :                  : Adds all blocked areas to the selected set
nav_select_damaging_areas                : cmd      :                  : Adds all damaging areas to the selected set
nav_select_half_space                    : cmd      :                  : Selects any areas that intersect the given half-space.
nav_select_invalid_areas                 : cmd      :                  : Adds all invalid areas to the Selected Set.
nav_select_larger_than                   : cmd      :                  : Select nav areas where both dimensions are larger than the given size.
nav_select_obstructed_areas              : cmd      :                  : Adds all obstructed areas to the selected set
nav_select_orphans                       : cmd      :                  : Adds all orphan areas to the selected set (highlight a valid area first).
nav_select_overlapping                   : cmd      :                  : Selects nav areas that are overlapping others.
nav_select_radius                        : cmd      :                  : Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set
nav_select_stairs                        : cmd      :                  : Adds all stairway areas to the selected set
nav_selected_set_border_color            : -16751516 : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Color used to draw the selected set borders while editing.
nav_selected_set_color                   : 1623785472.000 : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Color used to draw the selected set background while editing.
nav_set_place_mode                       : cmd      :                  : Sets the editor into or out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.
nav_shift                                : cmd      :                  : Shifts the selected areas by the specified amount
nav_show_approach_points                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Show Approach Points in the Navigation Mesh.
nav_show_area_info                       : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Duration in seconds to show nav area ID and attributes while editing
nav_show_compass                         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_show_continguous                     : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Highlight non-contiguous connections
nav_show_danger                          : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Show current ‘danger’ levels.
nav_show_dumped_positions                : cmd      :                  : Show the (x,y,z) coordinate positions of the given dump file.
nav_show_func_nav_avoid                  : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Show areas of designer-placed bot avoidance due to func_nav_avoid entities
nav_show_func_nav_prefer                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Show areas of designer-placed bot preference due to func_nav_prefer entities
nav_show_light_intensity                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_show_node_grid                       : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_show_node_id                         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_show_nodes                           : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_show_player_counts                   : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Show current player counts in each area.
nav_show_potentially_visible             : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Show areas that are potentially visible from the current nav area
nav_simplify_selected                    : cmd      :                  : Chops all selected areas into their component 1×1 areas and re-merges them together into larger areas
nav_slope_limit                          : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : The ground unit normal’s Z component must be greater than this for nav areas to be generated.
nav_slope_tolerance                      : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : The ground unit normal’s Z component must be this close to the nav area’s Z component to be generated.
nav_snap_to_grid                         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Snap to the nav generation grid when creating new nav areas
nav_solid_props                          : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Make props solid to nav generation/editing
nav_splice                               : cmd      :                  : To splice, mark an area, highlight a second area, then invoke the splice command to create a new, connected area between them.
nav_split                                : cmd      :                  : To split an Area into two, align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command.
nav_split_place_on_ground                : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : If true, nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when split.
nav_stand                                : cmd      :                  : Toggles the ‘stand while hiding’ flag used by the AI system.
nav_stop                                 : cmd      :                  : Toggles the ‘must stop when entering this area’ flag used by the AI system.
nav_store_selected_set                   : cmd      :                  : Stores the current selected set for later retrieval.
nav_strip                                : cmd      :                  : Strips all Hiding Spots, Approach Points, and Encounter Spots from the current Area.
nav_subdivide                            : cmd      :                  : Subdivides all selected areas.
nav_test_node                            : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_test_node_crouch                     : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_test_node_crouch_dir                 : 4        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nav_test_stairs                          : cmd      :                  : Test the selected set for being on stairs
nav_toggle_deselecting                   : cmd      :                  : Start or stop continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_toggle_in_selected_set               : cmd      :                  : Remove current area from the selected set.
nav_toggle_place_mode                    : cmd      :                  : Toggle the editor into and out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.
nav_toggle_place_painting                : cmd      :                  : Toggles Place Painting mode. When Place Painting, pointing at an Area will ‘paint’ it with the current Place.
nav_toggle_selected_set                  : cmd      :                  : Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set.
nav_toggle_selecting                     : cmd      :                  : Start or stop continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_transient                            : cmd      :                  : Toggles the ‘area is transient and may become blocked’ flag used by the AI system.
nav_unmark                               : cmd      :                  : Clears the marked Area or Ladder.
nav_update_blocked                       : cmd      :                  : Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.
nav_update_lighting                      : cmd      :                  : Recomputes lighting values
nav_update_visibility_on_edit            : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : If nonzero editing the mesh will incrementally recompue visibility
nav_use_place                            : cmd      :                  : If used without arguments, all available Places will be listed. If a Place argument is given, the current Place is set.
nav_walk                                 : cmd      :                  : Toggles the ‘traverse this area by walking’ flag used by the AI system.
nav_warp_to_mark                         : cmd      :                  : Warps the player to the marked area.
nav_world_center                         : cmd      :                  : Centers the nav mesh in the world
nb_allow_avoiding                        : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_allow_climbing                        : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_allow_gap_jumping                     : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_blind                                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Disable vision
nb_command                               : cmd      :                  : Sends a command string to all bots
nb_debug                                 : cmd      :                  : Debug NextBots.  Categories are: BEHAVIOR, LOOK_AT, PATH, ANIMATION, LOCOMOTION, VISION, HEARING, EVENTS, ERRORS.
nb_debug_climbing                        : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_debug_filter                          : cmd      :                  : Add items to the NextBot debug filter. Items can be entindexes or part of the indentifier of one or more bots.
nb_debug_history                         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : If true, each bot keeps a history of debug output in memory
nb_debug_known_entities                  : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Show the ‘known entities’ for the bot that is the current spectator target
nb_debug_spectatefilter                  : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : If 1, nextbot debug will only show for the observer target.
nb_force_look_at                         : cmd      :                  : Force selected bot to look at the local player’s position
nb_goal_look_ahead_range                 : 50       : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_head_aim_resettle_angle               : 100      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : After rotating through this angle, the bot pauses to ‘recenter’ its virtual mouse on its virtual mousepad
nb_head_aim_resettle_time                : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How long the bot pauses to ‘recenter’ its virtual mouse on its virtual mousepad
nb_head_aim_settle_duration              : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_head_aim_steady_max_rate              : 100      : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_ladder_align_range                    : 50       : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_move_to_cursor                        : cmd      :                  : Tell all NextBots to move to the cursor position
nb_nav_combat_build_rate                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Gunfire/second increase (combat caps at 1.0)
nb_nav_combat_decay_rate                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Decay/second toward zero
nb_nav_death_build_rate                  : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Death increase (caps at 1.0)
nb_nav_death_decay_rate                  : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Decay/second toward zero
nb_nav_in_combat_duration                : 30       : , “sv”, “cheat”  : How long after gunfire occurs is this area still considered to be ‘in combat’
nb_nav_show_actor_potential_visibility   : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_blocked_areas                : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Highlight areas that are considered blocked for TF-specific reasons
nb_nav_show_bomb_drop_areas              : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_bomb_target_distance         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Display travel distances to bomb target
nb_nav_show_control_points               : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_death_areas                  : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_enemy_invasion_areas         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Highlight areas where the enemy team enters the visible environment of the local player
nb_nav_show_gate_defense_areas           : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_in_combat_areas              : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_incursion_distance           : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Display travel distances from current spawn room (1=red, 2=blue)
nb_nav_show_incursion_flow               : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_incursion_flow_gradient      : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : 1 = red, 2 = blue
nb_nav_show_incursion_flow_range         : 150      : , “sv”, “cheat”  : 1 = red, 2 = blue
nb_nav_show_incursion_range              : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : 1 = red, 2 = blue
nb_nav_show_incursion_range_max          : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Highlight areas with incursion distances between min and max cvar values
nb_nav_show_incursion_range_min          : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Highlight areas with incursion distances between min and max cvar values
nb_nav_show_mesh_decoration              : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Highlight special areas
nb_nav_show_mesh_decoration_manual       : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Highlight special areas marked by hand
nb_nav_show_point_defense_areas          : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_sentry_danger                : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_sniper_areas                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_sniper_areas_safety_range    : 1000     : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_sweeped_areas                : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_nav_show_turf_ownership               : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Color nav area by smallest incursion distance
nb_path_draw_inc                         : 100      : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_path_draw_segment_count               : 100      : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_path_segment_influence_radius         : 100      : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_player_crouch                         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Force bots to crouch
nb_player_move                           : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Prevents bots from moving
nb_player_move_direct                    : 0        : , “sv”           :
nb_player_stop                           : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Stop all NextBotPlayers from updating
nb_player_walk                           : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Force bots to walk
nb_saccade_speed                         : 1000     : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_saccade_time                          : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_select                                : cmd      :                  : Select the bot you are aiming at for further debug operations.
nb_speed_look_ahead_range                : 150      : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_stop                                  : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Stop all NextBots
nb_update_debug                          : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_update_framelimit                     : 10       : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_update_frequency                      : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_update_maxslide                       : 4        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
nb_warp_selected_here                    : cmd      :                  : Teleport the selected bot to your cursor position
net_allow_multicast                      : 1        : , “a”            :
net_blockmsg                             : 0        : , “cheat”        : Discards incoming message: <0|1|name>
net_channels                             : cmd      :                  : Shows net channel info
net_compressvoice                        : 0        :                  : Attempt to compress out of band voice payloads (360 only).
net_drawslider                           : 0        :                  : Draw completion slider during signon
net_droppackets                          : 0        : , “cheat”        : Drops next n packets on client
player_slide_probe_dot                   : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
player_slide_sample_period               : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
player_slide_speed_acceleration          : 10       : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
player_slide_speedfrac_max               : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
player_slide_speedfrac_warmup            : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
player_slide_warmup_interval             : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
player_use_radius                        : 96       : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
player_use_tolerance                     : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
plr_debug_inventory                      : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
plugin_load                              : cmd      :                  : plugin_load <filename> : loads a plugin
plugin_pause                             : cmd      :                  : plugin_pause <index> : pauses a loaded plugin
plugin_pause_all                         : cmd      :                  : pauses all loaded plugins
plugin_print                             : cmd      :                  : Prints details about loaded plugins
plugin_unload                            : cmd      :                  : plugin_unload <index> : unloads a plugin
plugin_unpause                           : cmd      :                  : plugin_unpause <index> : unpauses a disabled plugin
plugin_unpause_all                       : cmd      :                  : unpauses all disabled plugins
prop_active_gib_limit                    : 64       : , “sv”           :
prop_active_gib_max_fade_time            : 12       : , “sv”           :
prop_break_disable_float                 : 0        : , “sv”           :
prop_crosshair                           : cmd      :                  : Shows name for prop looking at
prop_debug                               : cmd      :                  : Toggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond phys
prop_dynamic_create                      : cmd      :                  : Creates a dynamic prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking.  Arguments: {.mdl name}
prop_physics_create                      : cmd      :                  : Creates a physics prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking.  Arguments: {.mdl name}
props_break_max_pieces                   : -1       : , “sv”, “rep”    : Maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default)
props_break_max_pieces_perframe          : -1       : , “sv”, “rep”    : Maximum prop breakable piece count per frame (-1 = model default)
quit                                     : cmd      :                  : Exit the engine.
r_ambientboost                           : 1        :                  : Set to boost ambient term if it is totally swamped by local lights
r_ambientfactor                          : 5        :                  : Boost ambient cube by no more than this factor
r_ambientfraction                        : 0        : , “cheat”        : Fraction of direct lighting used to boost lighting when model requests
r_ambientmin                             : 0        :                  : Threshold above which ambient cube will not boost (i.e. it’s already sufficiently bright
r_colorstaticprops                       : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_debugrandomstaticlighting              : 0        : , “cheat”        : Set to 1 to randomize static lighting for debugging.  Must restart for change to take affect.
r_decal_cover_count                      : 4        :                  :
r_decal_overlap_area                     : 0        :                  :
r_decal_overlap_count                    : 3        :                  :
r_decals                                 : 2048     :                  :
r_decalstaticprops                       : 1        :                  : Decal static props test
r_DispBuildable                          : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_DispWalkable                           : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_drawbatchdecals                        : 1        :                  : Render decals batched.
r_drawbrushmodels                        : 1        : , “cheat”        : Render brush models. 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
r_drawdecals                             : 1        : , “cheat”        : Render decals.
r_DrawDisp                               : 1        : , “cheat”        : Toggles rendering of displacment maps
r_drawentities                           : 1        : , “cheat”        :
r_drawfuncdetail                         : 1        : , “cheat”        : Render func_detail
r_drawleaf                               : -1       : , “cheat”        : Draw the specified leaf.
r_drawlightcache                         : 0        : , “cheat”        : 0: off 1: draw light cache entries 2: draw rays
r_drawmodeldecals                        : 1        :                  :
r_DrawModelLightOrigin                   : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_drawmodelstatsoverlay                  : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaydistance          : 500      : , “cheat”        :
r_drawmodelstatsoverlayfilter            : -1       : , “cheat”        :
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax               : 1        : , “a”            : time in milliseconds beyond which a model overlay is fully red in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin               : 0        : , “a”            : time in milliseconds that a model must take to render before showing an overlay in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
r_DrawSpecificStaticProp                 : -1       :                  :
r_drawstaticprops                        : 1        : , “cheat”        : 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
r_drawtranslucentworld                   : 1        : , “cheat”        :
r_drawworld                              : 1        : , “cheat”        : Render the world.
r_dscale_basefov                         : 90       : , “cheat”        :
r_dscale_fardist                         : 2000     : , “cheat”        :
r_dscale_farscale                        : 4        : , “cheat”        :
r_dscale_neardist                        : 100      : , “cheat”        :
r_dscale_nearscale                       : 1        : , “cheat”        :
r_dynamic                                : 1        :                  :
r_emulategl                              : 0        :                  :
r_eyeglintlodpixels                      : 20       :                  : The number of pixels wide an eyeball has to be before rendering an eyeglint.  Is a floating point value.
r_eyemove                                : 1        : , “a”            :
r_eyes                                   : 1        :                  :
r_eyeshift_x                             : 0        : , “a”            :
r_eyeshift_y                             : 0        : , “a”            :
r_eyeshift_z                             : 0        : , “a”            :
r_eyesize                                : 0        : , “a”            :
r_fastzreject                            : 0        :                  : Activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware
r_fastzrejectdisp                        : 0        :                  : Activates/deactivates fast z rejection on displacements (360 only). Only active when r_fastzreject is on.
r_flashlightdepthtexture                 : 1        :                  :
r_flashlightscissor                      : 0        :                  :
r_flex                                   : 1        :                  :
r_flushlod                               : cmd      :                  : Flush and reload LODs.
r_ForceRestore                           : 0        :                  :
r_glint_alwaysdraw                       : 0        :                  :
r_glint_procedural                       : 0        :                  :
r_hidepaintedsurfaces                    : 0        :                  : If enabled, hides all surfaces which have been painted.
r_hunkalloclightmaps                     : 1        :                  :
r_hwmorph                                : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_itemblinkmax                           : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_itemblinkrate                          : 4        : , “cheat”        :
r_keepstyledlightmapsonly                : 0        :                  :
r_lightaverage                           : 1        :                  : Activates/deactivate light averaging
r_lightcachemodel                        : -1       : , “cheat”        :
r_lightinterp                            : 5        : , “cheat”        : Controls the speed of light interpolation, 0 turns off interpolation
r_lightmap                               : -1       : , “cheat”        :
r_lightstyle                             : -1       : , “cheat”        :
r_lockpvs                                : 0        : , “cheat”        : Lock the PVS so you can fly around and inspect what is being drawn.
r_lod                                    : -1       :                  :
r_maxmodeldecal                          : 50       :                  :
r_modelAmbientMin                        : 0        : , “cheat”        : Minimum value for the ambient lighting on dynamic models with more than one bone (like players and their guns).
r_modelwireframedecal                    : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_nohw                                   : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_norefresh                              : 0        :                  :
r_nosw                                   : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_novis                                  : 0        : , “cheat”        : Turn off the PVS.
r_occludeemaxarea                        : 0        :                  : Prevents occlusion testing for entities that take up more than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use.
r_occluderminarea                        : 0        :                  : Prevents this occluder from being used if it takes up less than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use.
r_occludermincount                       : 0        :                  : At least this many occluders will be used, no matter how big they are.
r_occlusion                              : 1        :                  : Activate/deactivate the occlusion system.
r_occlusionspew                          : 0        : , “cheat”        : Activate/deactivates spew about what the occlusion system is doing.
r_partition_level                        : -1       : , “cheat”        : Displays a particular level of the spatial partition system. Use -1 to disable it.
r_portal_use_pvs_optimization            : 1        :                  : Enables an optimization that allows portals to be culled when outside of the PVS.
r_printdecalinfo                         : cmd      :                  :
r_proplightingfromdisk                   : 1        :                  : 0=Off, 1=On, 2=Show Errors
r_proplightingpooling                    : -1       : , “cheat”        : 0 – off, 1 – static prop color meshes are allocated from a single shared vertex buffer (on hardware that supports stream offset
r_queued_decals                          : 0        :                  : Offloads a bit of decal rendering setup work to the material system queue when enabled.
r_randomflex                             : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_rootlod                                : 0        :                  : Root LOD
r_shadow_deferred                        : 0        : , “cheat”        : Toggle deferred shadow rendering
r_shadowrendertotexture                  : 0        :                  :
r_showenvcubemap                         : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_skin                                   : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_skybox_draw_last                       : 0        :                  : Draws skybox after world brush geometry, rather than before.
r_slowpathwireframe                      : 0        : , “cheat”        :
r_spray_lifetime                         : 10       :                  : Number of rounds player sprays are visible
r_staticlight_streams                    : 1        :                  :
r_staticpropinfo                         : 0        :                  :
r_teeth                                  : 1        :                  :
r_unloadlightmaps                        : 0        :                  :
r_VehicleViewDampen                      : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “nf”, “rep” :
r_visocclusion                           : 0        : , “cheat”        : Activate/deactivate wireframe rendering of what the occlusion system is doing.
r_visualizetraces                        : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
rcon_password                            : 26470832 : , “norecord”     : remote console password.
recompute_speed                          : cmd      :                  : Recomputes clock speed (for debugging purposes).
reload                                   : cmd      :                  : Reload the most recent saved game (add setpos to jump to current view position on reload).
remove_upgrade                           : cmd      :                  : Remove weapon upgrade for active weapon to the player
removeid                                 : cmd      :                  : Remove a user ID from the ban list.
removeip                                 : cmd      :                  : Remove an IP address from the ban list.
report_entities                          : cmd      :                  : Lists all entities
report_simthinklist                      : cmd      :                  : Lists all simulating/thinking entities
report_soundpatch                        : cmd      :                  : reports sound patch count
report_touchlinks                        : cmd      :                  : Lists all touchlinks
res_restrict_access                      : 0        :                  :
reset_gameconvars                        : cmd      :                  : Reset a bunch of game convars to default values
respawn_entities                         : cmd      :                  : Respawn all the entities in the map.
restart                                  : cmd      :                  : Restart the game on the same level (add setpos to jump to current view position on restart).
rr_debugresponseconcept                  : 0        : , “sv”           : If set, rr_debugresponses will print only responses testing for the specified concept
rr_debugresponseconcept_exclude          : cmd      :                  : Set a list of concepts to exclude from rr_debugresponseconcept. Separate multiple concepts with spaces. Call with no arguments
rr_debugresponses                        : 0        : , “sv”           : Show verbose matching output (1 for simple, 2 for rule scoring, 3 for noisy). If set to 4, it will only show response success/f
rr_debugrule                             : 0        : , “sv”           : If set to the name of the rule, that rule’s score will be shown whenever a concept is passed into the response rules system.
rr_dumpresponses                         : 0        : , “sv”           : Dump all response_rules.txt and rules (requires restart)
rr_followup_maxdist                      : 1800     : , “sv”, “cheat”  : ‘then ANY’ or ‘then ALL’ response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance.
rr_forceconcept                          : cmd      :                  : fire a response concept directly at a given character. USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target> <concept> ‘criteria1:value1,criteria2:va
rr_reloadresponsesystems                 : cmd      :                  : Reload all response system scripts.
rr_thenany_score_slop                    : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : When computing respondents for a ‘THEN ANY’ rule, all rule-matching scores within this much of the best score will be considere
say                                      : cmd      :                  : Display player message
say_team                                 : cmd      :                  : Display player message to team
scene_async_prefetch_spew                : 0        : , “sv”           : Display async .ani file loading info.
scene_clientflex                         : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Do client side flex animation.
scene_clientplayback                     : 1        : , “sv”           : Play all vcds on the clients.
scene_flush                              : cmd      :                  : Flush all .vcds from the cache and reload from disk.
scene_forcecombined                      : 0        : , “sv”           : When playing back, force use of combined .wav files even in english.
scene_maxcaptionradius                   : 1200     : , “sv”           : Only show closed captions if recipient is within this many units of speaking actor (0==disabled).
scene_playvcd                            : cmd      :                  : Play the given VCD as an instanced scripted scene.
scene_print                              : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : When playing back a scene, print timing and event info to console.
scene_showlook                           : 0        : , “a”, “sv”      : When playing back, show the directions of look events.
scene_showmoveto                         : 0        : , “a”, “sv”      : When moving, show the end location.
scene_showunlock                         : 0        : , “a”, “sv”      : Show when a vcd is playing but normal AI is running.
script                                   : cmd      :                  : Run the text as a script
script_connect_debugger_on_mapspawn      : 0        : , “sv”           :
script_debug                             : cmd      :                  : Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
script_dump_all                          : cmd      :                  : Dump the state of the VM to the console
script_execute                           : cmd      :                  : Run a vscript file
script_help                              : cmd      :                  : Output help for script functions, optionally with a search string
script_reload_code                       : cmd      :                  : Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
script_reload_entity_code                : cmd      :                  : Execute all of this entity’s VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts
script_reload_think                      : cmd      :                  : Execute an activation script, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
server_game_time                         : cmd      :                  : Gives the game time in seconds (server’s curtime)
servercfgfile                            : 0        : , “sv”           :
setang                                   : cmd      :                  : Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
setang_exact                             : cmd      :                  : Snap player eyes and orientation to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
setmaster                                : cmd      :                  : add/remove/enable/disable master servers
spec_death_fade_out_delay                : 0        : , “sv”           : Death fade out delay
spec_death_fade_out_duration             : 1        : , “sv”           : Fade out duration from dying.
spec_freeze_deathanim_time               : 2        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : The time that the death cam will spend watching the player’s ragdoll before going into freeze cam
spec_freeze_distance_max                 : 80       : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Maximum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam when t hey are far away from the camer
spec_freeze_distance_min                 : 60       : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Minimum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_enable                       : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Toggle FreezeCam
spec_freeze_fov                          : 65       : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : FOV while in FreezeCam
spec_freeze_roll                         : -15      : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Camera roll tilt while freeze cam is active.
spec_freeze_time                         : 4        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_traveltime                   : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Time taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_zoffset_max                  : -10      : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Maximum random z distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_zoffset_min                  : -20      : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Minimum random z distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
spike                                    : cmd      :                  : generates a fake spike
ss_map                                   : cmd      :                  : Start playing on specified map with max allowed splitscreen players.
ss_voice_hearpartner                     : 0        :                  : Route voice between splitscreen players on same system.
star_memory                              : cmd      :                  : Dump memory stats
stats                                    : cmd      :                  : Prints server performance variables
status                                   : cmd      :                  : Display map and connection status.
step_spline                              : 0        : , “sv”           :
stringtable_alwaysrebuilddictionaries    : 0        :                  : Rebuild dictionary file on every level load
stringtable_compress                     : 1        :                  : Compress string table for networking
stringtable_showsizes                    : 0        :                  : Show sizes of string tables when building for signon
stringtable_usedictionaries              : 1        :                  : Use dictionaries for string table networking
stringtabledictionary                    : cmd      :                  : Create dictionary for current strings.
studio_queue_mode                        : 1        :                  :
stuffcmds                                : cmd      :                  : Parses and stuffs command line + commands to command buffer.
suitvolume                               : 0        : , “a”, “sv”      :
surfaceprop                              : cmd      :                  : Reports the surface properties at the cursor
sv_accelerate                            : 10       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” :
sv_airaccelerate                         : 10       : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” :
sv_allow_suppression                     : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
sv_allow_votes                           : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Allow voting?
sv_allow_wait_command                    : 1        : , “rep”          : Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
sv_allowdownload                         : 1        :                  : Allow clients to download files
sv_allowupload                           : 1        :                  : Allow clients to upload customizations files
sv_alltalk                               : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions
sv_alltalk_dead                          : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Dead players broadcast their voice to enemies?
sv_alternateticks                        : 0        :                  : If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
sv_autosave                              : 1        : , “sv”           : Set to 1 to autosave game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers.
sv_benchmark_autovprofrecord             : 0        : , “sv”           : If running a benchmark and this is set, it will record a vprof file over the duration of the benchmark with filename benchmark.
sv_benchmark_force_start                 : cmd      :                  : Force start the benchmark. This is only for debugging. It’s better to set sv_benchmark to 1 and restart the level.
sv_benchmark_numticks                    : 3300     : , “sv”           : If > 0, then it only runs the benchmark for this # of ticks.
sv_bonus_challenge                       : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Set to values other than 0 to select a bonus map challenge type.
sv_cacheencodedents                      : 1        :                  : If set to 1, does an optimization to prevent extra SendTable_Encode calls.
sv_cheats                                : 0        : , “nf”, “rep”    : Allow cheats on server
sv_clearhinthistory                      : cmd      :                  : Clear memory of server side hints displayed to the player.
sv_client_cmdrate_difference             : 20       : , “rep”          : cl_cmdrate is moved to within sv_client_cmdrate_difference units of cl_updaterate before it is clamped between sv_mincmdrate an
sv_client_max_interp_ratio               : 5        : , “rep”          : This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). If sv_client_min_
sv_client_min_interp_ratio               : 1        : , “rep”          : This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected).               -1
sv_client_predict                        : -1       : , “rep”          : This can be used to force the value of cl_predict for connected clients (only while they are connected).    -1 = let clients se
sv_clockcorrection_msecs                 : 60       : , “sv”           : The server tries to keep each player’s m_nTickBase withing this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount
sv_consistency                           : 1        : , “rep”          : Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_contact                               : 0        : , “nf”           : Contact email for server sysop
sv_dc_friends_reqd                       : 0        : , “sv”           : Set this to 0 to allow direct connects to a game in progress even if no presents are present
sv_deadchat                              : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”     : Can alive players see text chat messages from dead players?
sv_deadchat_team                         : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”     : Can dead players use team text chat to speak to living?
sv_deadvoice                             : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”     : Can dead players speak to the living?
sv_debug_player_use                      : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Visualizes +use logic. Green cross=trace success, Red cross=trace too far, Green box=radius success
sv_debug_stamina                         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
sv_debugmanualmode                       : 0        :                  : Make sure entities correctly report whether or not their network data has changed.
sv_debugtempentities                     : 0        :                  : Show temp entity bandwidth usage.
sv_deltaprint                            : 0        :                  : Print accumulated CalcDelta profiling data (only if sv_deltatime is on)
sv_deltatime                             : 0        :                  : Enable profiling of CalcDelta calls
sv_downloadurl                           : 0        : , “rep”          : Location from which clients can download missing files
sv_dump_serialized_entities_mem          : cmd      :                  : Dump serialized entity allocations stats.
sv_dumpstringtables                      : 0        : , “cheat”        :
sv_enable_delta_packing                  : 0        :                  : When enabled, this allows for entity packing to use the property changes for building up the data. This is many times faster, b
sv_enableoldqueries                      : 0        :                  : Enable support for old style (HL1) server queries
sv_extra_client_connect_time             : 15       :                  : Seconds after client connect during which extra frames are buffered to prevent non-delta’d update
sv_filterban                             : 1        :                  : Set packet filtering by IP mode
sv_footstep_low_time_sound               : 900      : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : How frequent to hear the player’s step sound or how fast they appear to be running from first person.
sv_footstep_run_time_sound               : 740      : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : How frequent to hear the player’s step sound or how fast they appear to be running from first person.
sv_footstep_sound_frequency              : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : How frequent to hear the player’s step sound or how fast they appear to be running from first person.
sv_footstep_sprint_time_sound            : 340      : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : How frequent to hear the player’s step sound or how fast they appear to be running from first person.
sv_footstepinterval                      : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
sv_forcepreload                          : 0        : , “a”            : Force server side preloading.
sv_friction                              : 4        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : World friction.
sv_gravity                               : 800      : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : World gravity.
sv_health_bonus_enable                   : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
sv_health_bonus_per_outnumbered_player   : 5        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
sv_hibernate_ms                          : 20       :                  : # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating
sv_hibernate_ms_vgui                     : 20       :                  : # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating but running the vgui dedicated server frontend
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay              : 5        :                  : # of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating.
sv_hibernate_when_empty                  : 1        :                  : Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected
sv_hud_deathmessages                     : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” :
sv_hud_deathmessages_spectator           : 0        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Show death notices to people spectating?
sv_hud_scoreboard_show_kd                : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” :
sv_hud_targetindicator                   : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” :
sv_infected_damage_cutouts               : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
sv_infinite_ammo                         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Player’s active weapon will never run out of ammo
sv_lagcompensationforcerestore           : 1        : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Don’t test validity of a lag comp restore, just do it.
sv_lan                                   : 0        :                  : Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )
sv_log_onefile                           : 0        : , “a”            : Log server information to only one file.
sv_logbans                               : 1        : , “a”            : Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logblocks                             : 0        :                  : If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files)
sv_logdownloadlist                       : 0        :                  :
sv_logecho                               : 1        : , “a”            : Echo log information to the console.
sv_logfile                               : 1        : , “a”            : Log server information in the log file.
sv_logflush                              : 0        : , “a”            : Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
sv_logsdir                               : 0        : , “a”            : Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.
sv_logsecret                             : 0        :                  : If set then include this secret when doing UDP logging (will use 0x53 as packet type, not usual 0x52)
sv_map_voting                            : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” : Is map voting enabled?
sv_massreport                            : 0        : , “sv”           :
sv_master_legacy_mode                    : 1        :                  : Use (outside-of-Steam) code to communicate with master servers.
sv_master_share_game_socket              : 1        :                  : Use the game’s socket to communicate to the master server. If this is 0, then it will create a socket on -steamport + 1 to comm
sv_max_queries_sec                       : 3        :                  : Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address.
sv_max_queries_sec_global                : 60       :                  : Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere.
sv_max_queries_window                    : 30       :                  : Window over which to average queries per second averages.
sv_max_usercmd_future_ticks              : 8        : , “sv”           : Prevents clients from running usercmds too far in the future. Prevents speed hacks.
sv_maxclientframes                       : 128      :                  :
sv_maxcmdrate                            : 64       : , “rep”          : (If sv_mincmdrate is > 0), this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate.
sv_maxrate                               : 0        : , “rep”          : Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_maxreplay                             : 0        :                  : Maximum replay time in seconds
sv_maxroutable                           : 1200     :                  : Server upper bound on net_maxroutable that a client can use.
sv_maxupdaterate                         : 64       : , “rep”          : Maximum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_maxuptimelimit                        : 0        :                  : If set, whenever a game ends, if the uptime is greater than this number of hours, the server will exit
sv_memlimit                              : 0        :                  : If set, whenever a game ends, if the total memory used by the server is greater than this # of megabytes, the server will exit.
sv_mincmdrate                            : 10       : , “rep”          : This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 == unlimited.
sv_minrate                               : 5000     : , “rep”          : Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_minupdaterate                         : 10       : , “rep”          : Minimum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_multiplayer_maxtempentities           : 32       :                  :
sv_multiplayer_sounds                    : 20       :                  :
sv_mumble_positionalaudio                : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Allows players using Mumble to have support for positional audio.
sv_name_change_limit                     : 10       : , “sv”           :
sv_new_delta_bits                        : 1        :                  :
sv_noclipaccelerate                      : 5        : , “a”, “sv”, “nf”, “rep” :
sv_noclipduringpause                     : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : If cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.).
sv_noclipspeed                           : 5        : , “a”, “sv”, “nf”, “rep” :
sv_nwi_banlist                           : 1        : , “sv”, “nf”, “rep” :
sv_nwi_banlist_show                      : 0        : , “sv”           :
sv_parallel_packentities                 : 1        :                  :
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot                 : 1        :                  :
sv_password                              : 0        : , “nf”, “prot”, “norecord” : Server password for entry into multiplayer games
sv_pausable                              : 0        :                  : Is the server pausable.
sv_player_stuck_tolerance                : 10       : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
sv_playerperfhistorycount                : 20       : , “sv”           : Number of samples to maintain in player perf history
sv_playlist                              : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Matchmaking playlist
sv_precacheinfo                          : cmd      :                  : Show precache info.
sv_pure                                  : cmd      :                  : Show user data.
sv_pure_consensus                        : 100000000 :                  : Minimum number of file hashes to agree to form a consensus.
sv_pure_kick_clients                     : 1        :                  : If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.
sv_pure_retiretime                       : 900      :                  : Seconds of server idle time to flush the sv_pure file hash cache.
sv_pure_trace                            : 0        :                  : If set to 1, the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file.
sv_pvsskipanimation                      : 1        : , “a”, “sv”      : Skips SetupBones when npc’s are outside the PVS
sv_querycache_stats                      : cmd      :                  : Display status of the query cache (client only)
sv_radial_cooldown                       : 2        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Wait time between radial commands
sv_radial_cooldown_spotting              : 10       : , “sv”, “rep”    : Wait time between radial spotting commands
sv_radial_marker_duration                : 15       : , “sv”, “rep”    : How long do radial markers persist in the world.
sv_radial_marker_duration_attack         : 7        : , “sv”, “rep”    : How long does the waypoint marker persist.
sv_radial_marker_duration_waypoint       : 120      : , “sv”, “rep”    : How long does the waypoint marker persist.
sv_radial_spam_cooldown                  : 3        : , “sv”, “rep”    : How long until spam counter resets
sv_radial_spam_delay                     : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : How much to increase delay by if radial commands are being spammed
sv_radial_spam_delay_leaderfrac          : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Apply this fraction to spam delays for squad leaders
sv_radial_viewcone_enemy                 : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Viewcone for radial menu FoV enemy check
sv_radial_viewcone_objective             : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Viewcone for radial menu FoV objective check
sv_ragdoll_max_fps                       : 30       : , “sv”           : Clients with framerates less than this will reduce the ideal number of ragdolls to display
sv_ragdoll_max_remove_per_frame          : 1        : , “sv”           :
sv_ragdoll_maxcount                      : 25       : , “sv”           : Server will only show this many ragdolls
sv_ragdoll_min_fps                       : 10       : , “sv”           : Clients with framerates less than this will only show 1 ragdoll of each type
sv_rcon_banpenalty                       : 0        :                  : Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_log                              : 1        :                  : Enable/disable rcon logging.
sv_rcon_maxfailures                      : 10       :                  : Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_maxpacketbans                    : 1        :                  : Ban IPs for sending RCON packets exceeding the value specified in sv_rcon_maxpacketsize
sv_rcon_maxpacketsize                    : 1024     :                  : The maximum number of bytes to allow in a command packet
sv_rcon_minfailures                      : 5        :                  : Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailuretime                   : 30       :                  : Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications
sv_recoil_debug                          : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
sv_regeneration_wait_time                : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
sv_region                                : 255      :                  : The region of the world to report this server in.
sv_reservation_grace                     : 5        :                  : Time in seconds given for a lobby reservation.
sv_reservation_timeout                   : 45       :                  : Time in seconds before lobby reservation expires.
sv_runcmds                               : 1        : , “sv”           :
sv_script_think_interval                 : 0        : , “sv”           :
sv_search_key                            : 0        :                  : When searching for a dedicated server from lobby, restrict search to only dedicated servers having the same sv_search_key.
sv_showdamage                            : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Shows base damage below what sv_showimpacts would show, and if a player was hit he’ll show the damage he took above it (as heal
sv_showdebugtracers                      : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : 1: Shows a line following bullet path. Blue on client, red on server. (They should always match.) 2:Show autoaim candidates.
sv_showfootsteps                         : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Shows client (red) and server (green) footsteps (1=client-only, 2=server-only, 3=both)
sv_showhitboxes                          : -1       : , “sv”, “cheat”  : Send server-side hitboxes for specified entity to client (NOTE:  this uses lots of bandwidth, use on listen server only).
sv_vote_issue_restart_round_allowed      : 1        : , “sv”           : Can people hold votes to restart the round?
sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed     : 1        : , “sv”           : Can people hold votes to scramble the teams?
sv_vote_issue_switch_teams_allowed       : 1        : , “sv”           : Can people hold votes to switch the teams?
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_cheating       : 240      : , “sv”           : How long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for hacking? (minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_idle           : 0        : , “sv”           : How long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_teamkilling    : 10       : , “sv”           : How long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for team killing? (minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_trolling       : 60       : , “sv”           : How long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for trolling? (minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_owner                   : 1        : , “a”, “sv”      : If a user is successfully votebanned, shall we also ban the game owner if the game has been shared?
sv_vote_kick_hack_min_population         : 0        : , “sv”           : The voting population required to kick a person for hacking
sv_vote_kick_hack_min_ratio              : 0        : , “sv”           : What ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_kick_idle_min_population         : 0        : , “sv”           : The voting population required to kick a person for being idle
sv_vote_kick_idle_min_ratio              : 0        : , “sv”           : What ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_kick_min_players                 : 2        : , “a”, “sv”      : The minimum number of players needed on the server to start a vote kick.
sv_vote_kick_min_voters                  : 2        : , “a”, “sv”      : Minimum number of vote attempts required to start an actual vote.
sv_vote_kick_tk_min_population           : 0        : , “sv”           : The voting population required to kick a person for team killing
sv_vote_kick_tk_min_ratio                : 0        : , “sv”           : What ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_kick_troll_min_population        : 0        : , “sv”           : The voting population required to kick a person for trolling
sv_vote_kick_troll_min_ratio             : 0        : , “sv”           : What ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_min_population                   : 0        : , “sv”           : The voting population required
sv_vote_min_ratio                        : 0        : , “sv”           : What ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_ui_hide_disabled_issues          : 1        : , “sv”           : Suppress listing of disabled issues in the vote setup screen.
sv_weapon_manager_cleanup                : 1        : , “sv”           :
sv_weapon_manager_drop_timer             : 45       : , “sv”           :
sv_weapon_manager_max_count              : 50       : , “sv”           :
sv_workshop_enabled                      : 0        : , “sv”           : Enable Workshop support?
sv_workshop_mapcycle_random              : 0        : , “sv”           : Generate mapcycle in random order?
sv_workshop_mapcycle_start               : 1        : , “sv”           : Start Workshop mapcycle if any are defined?
sys_minidumpexpandedspew                 : 1        :                  :
sys_minidumpspewlines                    : 500      :                  : Lines of crash dump console spew to keep.
template_debug                           : 0        : , “sv”           :
test_bans                                : cmd      :                  :
Test_CreateEntity                        : cmd      :                  :
test_dispatcheffect                      : cmd      :                  : Test a clientside dispatch effect.  Usage: test_dispatcheffect <effect name> <distance away> <flags> <magnitude> <scale>  Defau
Test_EHandle                             : cmd      :                  :
test_entity_blocker                      : cmd      :                  : Test command that drops an entity blocker out in front of the player.
Test_InitRandomEntitySpawner             : cmd      :                  :
Test_Loop                                : cmd      :                  : Test_Loop <loop name> – loop back to the specified loop start point unconditionally.
Test_LoopCount                           : cmd      :                  : Test_LoopCount <loop name> <count> – loop back to the specified loop start point the specified # of times.
Test_LoopForNumSeconds                   : cmd      :                  : Test_LoopForNumSeconds <loop name> <time> – loop back to the specified start point for the specified # of seconds.
test_outtro_stats                        : cmd      :                  :
Test_ProxyToggle_EnableProxy             : cmd      :                  :
Test_ProxyToggle_SetValue                : cmd      :                  :
Test_RandomChance                        : cmd      :                  : Test_RandomChance <percent chance, 0-100> <token1> <token2…> – Roll the dice and maybe run the command following the percenta
Test_RandomizeInPVS                      : cmd      :                  :
Test_RandomPlayerPosition                : cmd      :                  :
Test_RemoveAllRandomEntities             : cmd      :                  :
Test_RunFrame                            : cmd      :                  :
Test_SendKey                             : cmd      :                  :
Test_SpawnRandomEntities                 : cmd      :                  :
Test_StartLoop                           : cmd      :                  : Test_StartLoop <loop name> – Denote the start of a loop. Really just defines a named point you can jump to.
Test_StartScript                         : cmd      :                  : Start a test script running..
Test_Wait                                : cmd      :                  :
Test_WaitForCheckPoint                   : cmd      :                  :
testscript_debug                         : 0        :                  : Debug test scripts.
testscript_running                       : 0        :                  : Set to true when test scripts are running
think_limit                              : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    : Maximum think time in milliseconds, warning is printed if this is exceeded.
thread_test_tslist                       : cmd      :                  :
thread_test_tsqueue                      : cmd      :                  :
threadpool_affinity                      : 1        :                  : Enable setting affinity
threadpool_cycle_reserve                 : cmd      :                  : Cycles threadpool reservation by powers of 2
threadpool_reserve                       : 0        :                  : Consume the specified number of threads in the thread pool
threadpool_run_tests                     : cmd      :                  :
timeleft                                 : cmd      :                  :
toggle                                   : cmd      :                  : Toggles a convar on or off, or cycles through a set of values.
trace_report                             : 0        : , “sv”           :
tv_allow_camera_man                      : 1        : , “sv”           : Auto director allows spectators to become camera man
tv_allow_static_shots                    : 1        : , “sv”           : Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots
tv_autorecord                            : 0        :                  : Automatically records all games as SourceTV demos.
tv_autoretry                             : 1        :                  : Relay proxies retry connection after network timeout
tv_chatgroupsize                         : 0        :                  : Set the default chat group size
tv_chattimelimit                         : 8        :                  : Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds
tv_clients                               : cmd      :                  : Shows list of connected SourceTV clients.
tv_debug                                 : 0        :                  : SourceTV debug info.
tv_delay                                 : 30       : , “sv”           : SourceTV broadcast delay in seconds
tv_deltacache                            : 2        :                  : Enable delta entity bit stream cache
tv_dispatchmode                          : 1        :                  : Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always
tv_enable                                : 0        : , “nf”           : Activates SourceTV on server.
tv_maxclients                            : 128      :                  : Maximum client number on SourceTV server.
tv_maxrate                               : 8000     :                  : Max SourceTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited
tv_msg                                   : cmd      :                  : Send a screen message to all clients.
tv_name                                  : 0        :                  : SourceTV host name
tv_overridemaster                        : 0        :                  : Overrides the SourceTV master root address.
tv_password                              : 0        : , “nf”, “prot”, “norecord” : SourceTV password for all clients
tv_port                                  : 27020    :                  : Host SourceTV port
tv_record                                : cmd      :                  : Starts SourceTV demo recording.
tv_relay                                 : cmd      :                  : Connect to SourceTV server and relay broadcast.
tv_relaypassword                         : 0        : , “nf”, “prot”, “norecord” : SourceTV password for relay proxies
tv_relayvoice                            : 1        :                  : Relay voice data: 0=off, 1=on
tv_retry                                 : cmd      :                  : Reconnects the SourceTV relay proxy.
tv_snapshotrate                          : 16       :                  : Snapshots broadcasted per second
tv_status                                : cmd      :                  : Show SourceTV server status.
tv_stop                                  : cmd      :                  : Stops the SourceTV broadcast.
tv_stoprecord                            : cmd      :                  : Stops SourceTV demo recording.
tv_timeout                               : 30       :                  : SourceTV connection timeout in seconds.
tv_title                                 : 0        :                  : Set title for SourceTV spectator UI
tv_transmitall                           : 0        : , “rep”          : Transmit all entities (not only director view)
unbind                                   : cmd      :                  : Unbind a key.
unbindall                                : cmd      :                  : Unbind all keys.
unbindalljoystick                        : cmd      :                  : Unbind all joystick keys.
unbindallmousekeyboard                   : cmd      :                  : Unbind all mouse / keyboard keys.
unpause                                  : cmd      :                  : Unpause the game.
use                                      : cmd      :                  : Use a particular weapon  Arguments: <weapon_name>
user                                     : cmd      :                  : Show user data.
users                                    : cmd      :                  : Show user info for players on server.
version                                  : cmd      :                  : Print version info string.
view_punch_decay                         : 11       : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : Decay factor exponent for view punch
view_recoil_tracking                     : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” : How closely the view tracks with the aim punch from weapon recoil
viewmodel_fov                            : 56       : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
violence_ablood                          : 1        :                  : Draw alien blood
violence_agibs                           : 1        :                  : Show alien gib entities
violence_hblood                          : 1        :                  : Draw human blood
violence_hgibs                           : 1        :                  : Show human gib entities
vis_force                                : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
vismon_poll_frequency                    : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
vismon_trace_limit                       : 12       : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
voice_debugfeedbackfrom                  : 0        :                  :
voice_inputfromfile                      : 0        :                  : Get voice input from ‘voice_input.wav’ rather than from the microphone.
voice_mute                               : cmd      :                  : Mute a specific Steam user
voice_player_speaking_delay_threshold    : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”  :
voice_recordtofile                       : 0        :                  : Record mic data and decompressed voice data into ‘voice_micdata.wav’ and ‘voice_decompressed.wav’
voice_reset_mutelist                     : cmd      :                  : Reset all mute information for all players who were ever muted.
voice_serverdebug                        : 0        : , “sv”           :
voice_show_mute                          : cmd      :                  : Show whether current players are muted.
voice_unmute                             : cmd      :                  : Unmute a specific Steam user, or all to unmute all connected players.
voice_xsend_debug                        : 0        :                  :
vox_reload                               : cmd      :                  : Reload sentences.txt file
voxeltree_box                            : cmd      :                  : View entities in the voxel-tree inside box <Vector(min), Vector(max)>.
voxeltree_playerview                     : cmd      :                  : View entities in the voxel-tree at the player position.
voxeltree_sphere                         : cmd      :                  : View entities in the voxel-tree inside sphere <Vector(center), float(radius)>.
voxeltree_view                           : cmd      :                  : View entities in the voxel-tree.
vphys_sleep_timeout                      : cmd      :                  : set sleep timeout: large values mean stuff won’t ever sleep
vprof                                    : cmd      :                  : Toggle VProf profiler
vprof_cachemiss                          : cmd      :                  : Toggle VProf cache miss checking
vprof_cachemiss_off                      : cmd      :                  : Turn off VProf cache miss checking
vprof_cachemiss_on                       : cmd      :                  : Turn on VProf cache miss checking
vprof_counters                           : 0        :                  :
vprof_counters_show_minmax               : 0        :                  :
vprof_dump_counters                      : cmd      :                  : Dump vprof counters to the console
vprof_dump_groupnames                    : cmd      :                  : Write the names of all of the vprof groups to the console.
vprof_dump_oninterval                    : 0        :                  : Interval (in seconds) at which vprof will batch up data and dump it to the console.
vprof_dump_spikes                        : 0        :                  : Framerate at which vprof will begin to dump spikes to the console. 0 = disabled, negative to reset after dump
vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group           : 0        :                  : Budget gtNode to start report from when doing a dump spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_hiearchy               : 0        :                  : Set to 1 to get a hierarchy report whith vprof_dump_spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_node                   : 0        :                  : Node to start report from when doing a dump spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_terse                  : 0        :                  : Whether to use most terse output
vprof_generate_report                    : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_AI                 : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_AI_only            : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_budget             : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console based on budget group.
vprof_generate_report_hierarchy          : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_hierarchy_per_frame_and_count_only : cmd      :                  : Generate a minimal hiearchical report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_map_load           : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_off                                : cmd      :                  : Turn off VProf profiler
vprof_on                                 : cmd      :                  : Turn on VProf profiler
vprof_playback_average                   : cmd      :                  : Average the next N frames.
vprof_playback_start                     : cmd      :                  : Start playing back a recorded .vprof file.
vprof_playback_step                      : cmd      :                  : While playing back a .vprof file, step to the next tick.
vprof_playback_stepback                  : cmd      :                  : While playing back a .vprof file, step to the previous tick.
vprof_playback_stop                      : cmd      :                  : Stop playing back a recorded .vprof file.
vprof_record_start                       : cmd      :                  : Start recording vprof data for playback later.
vprof_record_stop                        : cmd      :                  : Stop recording vprof data
vprof_reset                              : cmd      :                  : Reset the stats in VProf profiler
vprof_reset_peaks                        : cmd      :                  : Reset just the peak time in VProf profiler
vprof_scope_entity_gamephys              : 0        : , “sv”           :
vprof_scope_entity_thinks                : 0        : , “sv”           :
vprof_server_spike_threshold             : 999      :                  :
vprof_server_thread                      : 0        :                  :
vprof_think_limit                        : 0        : , “sv”           :
vprof_to_csv                             : cmd      :                  : Convert a recorded .vprof file to .csv.
vprof_vtune_group                        : cmd      :                  : enable vtune for a particular vprof group (‘disable’ to disable)
vx_do_not_throttle_events                : 0        :                  : Force VXConsole updates every frame; smoother vprof data on PS3 but at a slight (~0.2ms) perf cost.
weapon_showproficiency                   : 0        : , “sv”           :
weapon_throw_force                       : 2000     : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
wipe_nav_attributes                      : cmd      :                  : Clear all nav attributes of selected area.
wpn_debug_active_weapon                  : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
wpn_shot_bias_max                        : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
wpn_shot_bias_min                        : -1       : , “sv”, “rep”    :
wpn_showanimations                       : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
vprof_cachemiss_off                      : cmd      :                  : Turn off VProf cache miss checking
vprof_cachemiss_on                       : cmd      :                  : Turn on VProf cache miss checking
vprof_counters                           : 0        :                  :
vprof_counters_show_minmax               : 0        :                  :
vprof_dump_counters                      : cmd      :                  : Dump vprof counters to the console
vprof_dump_groupnames                    : cmd      :                  : Write the names of all of the vprof groups to the console.
vprof_dump_oninterval                    : 0        :                  : Interval (in seconds) at which vprof will batch up data and dump it to the console.
vprof_dump_spikes                        : 0        :                  : Framerate at which vprof will begin to dump spikes to the console. 0 = disabled, negative to reset after dump
vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group           : 0        :                  : Budget gtNode to start report from when doing a dump spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_hiearchy               : 0        :                  : Set to 1 to get a hierarchy report whith vprof_dump_spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_node                   : 0        :                  : Node to start report from when doing a dump spikes
vprof_dump_spikes_terse                  : 0        :                  : Whether to use most terse output
vprof_generate_report                    : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_AI                 : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_AI_only            : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_budget             : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console based on budget group.
vprof_generate_report_hierarchy          : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_hierarchy_per_frame_and_count_only : cmd      :                  : Generate a minimal hiearchical report to the console.
vprof_generate_report_map_load           : cmd      :                  : Generate a report to the console.
vprof_off                                : cmd      :                  : Turn off VProf profiler
vprof_on                                 : cmd      :                  : Turn on VProf profiler
vprof_playback_average                   : cmd      :                  : Average the next N frames.
vprof_playback_start                     : cmd      :                  : Start playing back a recorded .vprof file.
vprof_playback_step                      : cmd      :                  : While playing back a .vprof file, step to the next tick.
vprof_playback_stepback                  : cmd      :                  : While playing back a .vprof file, step to the previous tick.
vprof_playback_stop                      : cmd      :                  : Stop playing back a recorded .vprof file.
vprof_record_start                       : cmd      :                  : Start recording vprof data for playback later.
vprof_record_stop                        : cmd      :                  : Stop recording vprof data
vprof_reset                              : cmd      :                  : Reset the stats in VProf profiler
vprof_reset_peaks                        : cmd      :                  : Reset just the peak time in VProf profiler
vprof_scope_entity_gamephys              : 0        : , “sv”           :
vprof_scope_entity_thinks                : 0        : , “sv”           :
vprof_server_spike_threshold             : 999      :                  :
vprof_server_thread                      : 0        :                  :
vprof_think_limit                        : 0        : , “sv”           :
vprof_to_csv                             : cmd      :                  : Convert a recorded .vprof file to .csv.
vprof_vtune_group                        : cmd      :                  : enable vtune for a particular vprof group (‘disable’ to disable)
vx_do_not_throttle_events                : 0        :                  : Force VXConsole updates every frame; smoother vprof data on PS3 but at a slight (~0.2ms) perf cost.
weapon_showproficiency                   : 0        : , “sv”           :
weapon_throw_force                       : 2000     : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
wipe_nav_attributes                      : cmd      :                  : Clear all nav attributes of selected area.
wpn_debug_active_weapon                  : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
wpn_shot_bias_max                        : 1        : , “sv”, “rep”    :
wpn_shot_bias_min                        : -1       : , “sv”, “rep”    :
wpn_showanimations                       : 0        : , “sv”, “cheat”, “rep” :
writeid                                  : cmd      :                  : Writes a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg.
writeip                                  : cmd      :                  : Save the ban list to banned_ip.cfg.
xc_crouch_debounce                       : 0        : , “sv”           :
xlsp_force_dc_name                       : 0        :                  : Restrict to xlsp datacenter by name.
z_added_light_max                        : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    :

z_added_light_min                        : 0        : , “sv”, “rep”    :

1775 total convars/concommands


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