Flotilla 10%off $8.99($9.99)
Shattered Horizon 25%off $14.99($19.99)
RailWorks Glasgow Airport Rail Link Add-on 25%off $29.99($39.99)
Torchilight 50%off $9.99($19.99)
Quantz 70%off $3.00($9.99)
R.U.S.E. 10%off $44.99($49.99)
○Midweek Madness
○Weekend Deal
Tropico 3 – Steam Special Edition 75%off $7.50($29.99)
Alganon 50%off $19.95($39.95)
THQ Ultimate Bundle 70%off $99.99($344.83)
World War 2 – Time of Wrath $20.99($29.99)
○Weekend Impulse Buys
Determinance 40%off $11.05($17.00)
Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper 35%off $12.99($19.99)
Sherlock Holmes – The Awakened 35%off $12.99($19.99)
Sherlock Holmes Versus Arsene Lupin 35%off $12.99($19.99)
Sherkock Holmes Sleuth Pack 35%off $32.49($49.99)
For the Glory 60%off $7.99($19.99)
Fallen Earth 25%off $29.99($39.99)
Rainbow Web 10%off $8.95($9.95)
BioShock 2 20%off $39.95($49.95)
Star Trek Online 40%off $29.95($49.95)
Star Trek Online Digital Deluxe Edition 33%off $39.95($59.95)
Alpha Protocol 29%off $49.95($69.90)
Air Aces Pacific 15%off $42.49($49.99)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent 20%off $15.98($19.95)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent(Mac版) 20%off $15.98($19.95)
Storm over the Pacific 10%off $44.95($49.95)
Hamlet 10%off $8.95($9.95)
Hotel Collector’s Edition 10%off $17.95($19.95)
Hotel Collector’s Edition(Mac版) 10%off $17.95($19.95)
Tidalis + Beta Access $9.95
○Weekend Deal
Elliptic Twist 25%off $2.95($3.95)
Elliptic Twist(Mac版) 25%off $2.95($3.95)
Flock! 50%off $7.47($14.95)
The Whispered World 10%off $26.95($29.95)
○Space Battle Week!
AI War / Zenith Remnant Pack 50%off $11.95($23.90)
AI War: Fleet Command 50%off $9.95($19.95)
AI War: The Zenith Remnant 50%off $4.95($9.95)
Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter 20%off $7.95($9.95)
Armada 2526 50%off $19.95($39.95)
Dark Horizon 60%off $3.98($9.95)
Dark Matter 50%off $7.45($14.95)
Evochron Legends 50%off $12.45($24.95)
Evochron Renegades 50%off 50%off $12.45($24.95)
Flotilla 50%off $4.95($9.95)
Galactic Assault: Prisoner of Power 60%off $3.98($9.95)
Genesis Rising 51%off $2.45($4.95)
Gratuitous Space Battles 50%off $11.45($22.95)
Gratuitous Space Battles Complete 50%off $17.42($34.85)
Light of Altair 50%off $7.45($14.95)
Lost Empire 60%off $3.99($9.99)
Lost Empire Immortals 60%off $3.98($9.95)
Master of Orion 3 50%off $9.95($19.95)
Space Empires 4 50%off $4.95($9.95)
Space Empires 5 50%off $9.95($19.95)
Space Rangers 50%off $4.99($9.99)
Space War Commander 50%off $9.99($19.99)
SpaceForce Rogue Universe 50%off $4.95($9.95)
Star Fury 50%off $4.95($9.95)
Star Wolves 50%off $4.99($9.99)
Supernova 2: Spacewar 50%off $9.95($19.95)
Sword of the Stars 50%off $4.99($9.99)
Sword of the Stars: A Murder of Crows 50%off $9.99($19.99)
Sword of the Stars: Born of Blood 50%off $7.45($14.95)
Sword of the Stars; Ultimate Collection $14.95($29.95)
Tarr Chronicles 60%off $3.98($9.95)
The Rommorrow War 50%off $9.99($19.99)
UFO Extraterrestrials 60%off $3.98($9.95)
X3: Terran Conflict 50%off $9.95($19.95)
X3: Terran Conflict(Mac版) 25%off $29.95(39.95)
○Weekend Deal
Wolfenstein 50%off $19.95($39.95)
Battlestations: Pacific 2/Prima Guide $10off $44.95($54.95)
Torchlight 50%off $9.95($19.95)
Bob Came in Pieces 50%off $4.95($9.95)
Boderlands £24.95(£34.95)
Borderlands Triple Pack 10%off £34.50(£47.95)
Torchlight 34%off £9.95(£14.95)
Bob Came in Pieces 50%off £3.50(£6.95)
Borderlands 29.95(49.95)
Mount and Blade + Warband Bundle 10%off 53.95(59.90)
Torchlight 24%off 9.95(12.95)
○Deal of the Week
Bob Came in Pieces 50%off 3.50(6.95)
○Hidden Gem of the Week
○Weekend promo: Selected Shooters 40%off
Aquanox 40%off $3.59($5.99)
Postal 2 Complete 40%off $5.99($9.99)
Painkller Black Edition 40%off $5.99($9.99)
Redneck Rampage Collection 40%off $3.59($5.99)
Alien Vs Predator 50%off £12.49(£24.99) 5月18日まで
Supreme Commander £10off £19.98(£29.99) 5月17日まで
■Copcom US
Dark Void 50%off $29.99($59.99)
■get GAMES
Eco Tycoon 30%off 1617.60円
Crystalize 2: Quest of the Jewel Crown 30%off 806.30円
Alien Versus Predator 50%off $24.98($49.95)
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
7 Wonders II 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
A Farewell to Dragons 20%off £23.99(£29.99)
AGON – The Lost Sword of Toledo 25%off £14.99(£19.99)
Beat Hazard 30%off £6.99(£9.99)
Big Kahuna Words 50%off £4.99(£9.99)
Black Circle 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Black Eagle 20%off £7.99(£9.99)
Brain Booster 50%off £4.99(£9.99)
Build-a-Lot 30%off £6.99(£9.99)
Clever Kids: Creepy Crawlies 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Clever Kids: Dino Land 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Clever Kids: Farmyard Fun 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Clever Kids: Pet Store 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Clever Kids: Pirates 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Clever Kids: Pony World 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Colour of Murder 50%off £4.99(£9.99)
Criket Coach 2007 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Cryostasis 30%off £13.99(£19.99)
Dark Sector 30%off £6.99(£9.99)
Dawn of Magic 60%off £3.99(£9.99)
Elements 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Future Wars 50%off £9.99(£19.99)
Greed 50%off £9.99(£19.99)
Hidden Mysteries: Buckingham Palace 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Hidden Mysteries: The White House 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Hidden Mysteries: Titanic – Secret og the Fateful Voyage 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Hollywood Pets – Pup Idol 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Irukandji 40%off £5.97(£9.99)
Jewel Quest II 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Jewel Quest: Curse of the Emerald Tear 10%off £8.99(£9.99)
Jewel Quest Solitaire 2 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Jewel Quest Solitaire 3 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
JoJo’s Fashion Show 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Jurassic Realism 50%off £4.99(£9.99)
Kings Bounty: The Legend 16%off £24.99(£29.99)
Kitty Luv 50%off £4.99(£9.99)
Lost Secrets: The Bermuda Triangle 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Luxor Adventures 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Luxor: Quest for the Afterlife 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Mah Jong Quest 50%off £4.99(£9.99)
Mah Jong Quest II 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Mah Jong Quest III 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Margrave Mysteries: The Lost Ship 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Midnight Mysteries The Edgar Allan Poe Conspiracy 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Mysteryville 50%off £4.99(£9.99)
Pony Luv 50%off £4.99(£9.99)
Raven Squad: Operation Hidden Dagger 25%off £14.99(£19.99)
Samanatha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Samanatha Swift and the Golden Touch40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Space Station Sim 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Spell of Gold 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
Storked 50%off £3.48(£6.96)
Street Racer Europe 33%off £9.99(£14.99)
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 50%off £9.99(£19.99)
The Dracula Files 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
The Fifth Disciple 30%off £6.99(£9.99)
The Magic Toy Chest 28%off £9.99(£13.91)
The Rise of Atlantis 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
The Secret of Margrave Manor 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
The Tudors 30%off £6.99(£9.99)
The Void 65%off £6.99(£19.99)
Time Stand Still 30%off £6.99(£9.99)
Trine 83%off £4.99(£29.99)
Tumble Jumble 40%off £5.99(£9.99)
UFO Afterlight 70%off £5.99(£19.99)
Virtual Families 25%off £7.49(£9.99)
VVVVVV 11%off £7.99(£8.99)
War Operations 9%off £8.99(£9.95)
Winemaker Extraordinaire 30%off £6.99(£9.99)
Wisegal 30%off £6.99(£9.99)
World War 1 50%off £4.99(£9.99)
WWII: Battle Over the Pacific 50%off £4.99(£9.99)
XIII Century: Blood of Europe 33%off £9.99(£14.99)
XIII Century: Death or Glory 33%off £9.99(£14.99)
Zombie Driver 30%off £6.99(£9.99)
Beyond Divinity 10%off £8.99(£9.99)
Obscure 2 50%off £9.99(£19.99)
○1p Games!
Darwinia 99%off £0.01(£19.99)
High School Dreams 99%off £0.01(£39.99)
Jewel Quest Solitaire 1 99%off £0.01(£9.99)
NecroVisioN: Lost Company 99%off £0.01(£39.99)
Uplink 99%off £0.01(£5.99)
World of Goo 99%off £0.01(£9.99)
■Reflexive Arcade
○Daily Deal
Lost Memory of Angel フランII 聖界の奇跡 [+フランI サービスパック] 77%off 990円(4410円)
Vampire Hurts 50%off 990円(1980円)
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning(TM) スタンダードエディション(英語版)2980円(5800円)